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Forums: General Discussion
Title Author Views [Replies] Last Post
Changed Page F C Bock 1232 7
Tables again Carole Mackey 1386 7
Paypal and Non Profit forms needed Leslie 1689 7
Can't Edit Pages Kathy Schmoldt 1449 7
Profile verification question Kyle Erickson 1382 7
Request to Access Site Kathy Schmoldt 1620 7
How can I post a running number of updted classmates? Terry A Sweeney 1395 7
Posting jpg Pictures on the Message Forum James Tobin 1795 7
Custom welcome message TamLynnB 1772 7
Adding Paypal TInaM 1501 7
source button on homepage not working Ceci Martinez 1325 7
Unwanted Messages Susan Denny 1657 7
separate place to purchase tickets Shannon Ostrovsky 1781 7
Classes of 1974 Debbie Phillips 1469 7
homepage playlist Michelle Anthony 1700 7
Emails to Classmates Virginia Parker 2269 7
someone send me a PM Rick Root 2332 7
Thank you gayle reece 1847 7
Classmates received spam Carrie Miller 1748 7
Cost of using paypal Glenda Davis 1447 7
Getting Messages (or not) Sue Hall 1256 7
Where is it? Annie Warnock 1374 7
Scanning a booklet Cheryl 1809 7
Post Comment for Guest (Teacher) and Not Logged In . . . CAV . . . 1569 7
Custom Page Sandi Baker 1448 7
Excuses Excuses Preston Lively 1450 7
A how-to question on profiles page Ellen Reddick 1710 7
clip art Mary Coffey 1630 7
Make a PDF Available?!?!?! whip658995 1601 7
Message forum postings Chip Campbell 1496 7
Red rose icon Bonita 1530 7
password not changed Reunion Administrator 1382 7
new template Bonita 1357 7
Password Protect to Boost Membership? Rocket 1488 7
Email Notifications not displaying addresses Dynasty a.k.a Tracy 1325 7
BRAD I have a request!!! Dynasty a.k.a Tracy 1521 7
Surveys Jim Lange 1634 7
PayPal Fee's Asking Classmates to Pay Dynasty a.k.a Tracy 1717 7
about the new website Debra Loper 1566 7
List of Administrators for our site Regina Engelken 490 8
Abandoned Orders lookup? Rick van Vliet 361 8
Yearbooks Ray 4524 8
Adding an Admin Dawn Wyatt 4082 8
Donation Joe Prather 3398 8
Back-up our Website Pmercier 682 8
Reunions, Programs and Space Oh My! Norma 1585 8
Any word on secure certificate? Chris Pallozola 425 8
In Memory Ray 997 8
Post a mp4 video to homepage Gary 593 8
Nametag Fongs Charlie 545 8
Site completely unaccessible Scott Moore 515 8
Emojis Vinnie 519 8
SSL ISSUES John R LaRandeau 471 8
Secure Certificate (Confused) Beverly Herman 572 8
Site Pages 'Not Secure' Cynthia Canaday 659 8 Joe Prather 1159 8
Character Limit in Profile Text Boxes Elaine Rock 1583 8
No posting notification emails since upgrade and no responses from CC Techs Roger Allen 580 8
Birthday notices stopped after CC host migration Robert Gold 466 8
website update notices Lynda Laughner 435 8
Multi-Threaded Forum Fred Weis 804 8
Does the following apply to Class Crestor websites with Domaine names? Elena G 689 8
Video Autoplays Carole Mackey 677 8
New Classmate Notification Ray 520 8
Domain expired/renewed Shelly Kinney 622 8
A Discussion Forum for Reunion Committee Members Only Denise D. 583 8
Notifications - Sept 1, 2019 Elena G 579 8
Adding a classmate manually to an event Paula Park 901 8
Classmate does not want email change sent to old email address Denise D. 716 8
Subscription Extension Terry Porter 640 8
How to delete a video (June) Mary Pulford 875 8
Microsoft Azure Barbara F. 858 8
Youtube Links Sam T. 1239 8
Mail to two or more classmates Dick Rubinstein 784 8
Photo Gallery wendy v 586 8
Link in an email link Jim Persing 1283 8
Helping Hand for Yearbook Photos Paul Safyan 681 8
Survey Joe Prather 912 8
Can you post videos on the site without using Youtube? AnnMarie Maliszczak 2452 8
Manually Enter a Donation Patricia Law 1186 8
Hi-jacking On Non Class Sites Jim Persing 1318 8
Deceased Classmate Mary Ann Wooten 1129 8
Issues trying to join site Mary Ann Wooten 1421 8
Login Process Changed in Firefox and Edge David Pettingill 917 8
Upload Excel Spreadsheet? Linda Lokken 1200 8
e-mail notifications - is there a server problem today? Elena G 1024 8
Classmate can't log on Carole Mackey 961 8
Admin chat On TAP - The Admins Place Gwen C. 1699 8
Domain name not active David Howard 1359 8
Safari Gary Tucker 2435 8
Photo Gallery Not Working Kevin Sheldon 1258 8
Survey instructions LeRoy "Skip" Osborn 1140 8
Auld Lang Syne F C Bock 1137 8
Can pdf files be uploaded on a CC website? Jon Coffey 1203 8
Profile update notifications Linda Lokken 946 8
E-mail Notifications are not being received for more than a few days Elena G 975 8
Embed Video in Photo Gallery Debbie Halcomb 1200 8
Guest Member Access Karen 1381 8

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