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Forums: General Discussion
Title Author Views [Replies] Last Post
Homepage background is Black Tracey Janssen 1004 6
Home Page Edit Help Linda Lokken 1654 6
Reports: changing font size Cheryl Walden 955 6
Messages to me and class Joan Mohlman 1206 6
Applying for a Federal ID number Art Berkowitz 1212 6
Event Planner won't activate Ginny Herzog 941 6
facebook and In Memory Ray 1188 6
NO email notifications today - zero log on's today Elena G 784 6
Icon Ray 1491 6
Email the Class sent but not received & email notifications not received today Elena G 947 6
emailing to alumni in certain zip areas Joe Kmoch 1497 6
Background Image Bev7476989851 836 6
Photo Gallery sizing Bev7476989851 1432 6
Email to class did not send Debbie Stewart 974 6
Network Error Messages Michael Easley 855 6
Low Vision friendly font color Donaldeh 1290 6
Private email and slow response Dick Rubinstein 981 6
Need Resource List for Locating Missing Classmates John McDaniel 1350 6
WHAT'S NEW William M. Leggett (Bill) 740 6
Adding a deceased person Elyse Lawson 1624 6
Gallery 'bounces' when trying to scroll Nancee S. Lougheed 857 6
Fines for using cartoons Dave Salyers 1068 6
FL - Gulf Coast Admin Gathering Gwen C. 1529 6
Christmas snow free app Barbara Ecker 1035 6
In Memory Family Access Elaine Rock 1007 6
Exporting deceased yearbook photos & smilebox Meg Davis 983 6
Registering reunion attendees Susan Reppe 1909 6
adding music from itunes fairvusal 1595 6
Pay Pal Walter Carr 1068 6
Help with CC/Paypal question DHS88admin 1478 6
emails Ray 1014 6
Class Creator Posting Error Robin Price 686 6
Reunion Planner Attendees / Amount Bonnie Lewis Hayner 860 6
Posting Near Death Experience Karen Retano 717 6
Suppress Profile Update Notice Tom 740 6
Stalking/Hijacking Barry Levinsky 934 6
Share a message question Dave Stone 1127 6
upload limits alrob 798 6
Souvenir sales post reunion Marilyn 750 6
Problems with home page Diane 795 6
Hacking Tom Pearson 875 6
Missing Classmates "Found" Notification Ben Bialek 990 6
Missing photos on profile Tracey Janssen 867 6
Can we Temporarily Inactivate a Classmate? Maura Cantwell 989 6
Address Labels Esther Harsley 1097 6
Classmate Welcome E-Mail Tracey Janssen 1031 6
create moving object Tracey Janssen 909 6
Class Connection - Guests 1127 6
Basic website Jim Lange 1021 6
need addnl download fields for deceased Gary Wegener 981 6
adding names to photos Barbara Warner 1007 6
Site Password 899 6
HElP 1003 6
Web space Chris Heston 965 6
Queued Page Updates Ruth McGhee 909 6
Help! Diane 848 6
Scanning Yearbook Pages/Senior Photos Ruth McGhee 1416 6
Great Reunion thanks to Class Creator! Ted Witte 1032 6
reports for souvenir book Joani Lesser 1042 6
Can't Login Joan Warren 930 6
Edit Link DHS19675849326 975 6
sending email to only those who have not registered for reunion Joani Lesser 4765 6
registered website name not working Olorunda Rotimi 1090 6
New Photo Gallery email sent too soon Beverly 1063 6
Having trouble inserting images Hudson Smith 1410 6
Missing Classmates list mammawB1269624 1612 6
Bounced email from deceased Glassmancarter 1123 6
Interactive prayer option Irma Comer 1026 6
Logo wear Mark Beasley 1650 6
Missing Classmates / Notification Dede7157 1146 6
Email bounceback notification Ian Robertson 949 6
Falling Rabbits Announcement Dale 1660 6
In Memory - Rose Dave Grayson 1489 6
Wild Cards Ray 1140 6
Erroneous Name Change Earl Porter 1020 6
copyright Marla Bryan - WHHS JETS Class '81 1323 6
Who's Online Now Joe Prather 1067 6
Professional Design #4 questions Tom Haser 1162 6
Halloween background Diane 997 6
Step by Step for PayPal Liz Witt 1872 6
Nametags Barbara Ecker 4821 6
Website Designs, Right Side Border Derrell Pulis; Warriors - 60; Host, Multiple Years 1132 6
IM chat Mike Loeb 931 6
Chat Dialogue stays hidden behind Screen Derrell Pulis; Warriors - 60; Host, Multiple Years 1024 6
LINKS Jim Lange 950 6
Past saved pages Bob Cullen 1024 6
Message Center in Premium version Larry Hagen 1052 6
Background photo showing through theme Earl Porter 928 6
Separate group lists Janie Albright Blank 1094 6
Allowing a guest/visitor to access site Ted Witte 1080 6
Posting a large number of pictures Jerry Hynes 1274 6
Site Visitor Count Earl Porter 1279 6
POST REUNION SURVEY... Michael 3099 6
Guests Ray 1199 6
Another SPAM Alert kris 1355 6
3rd Party Programs Shut Down johnnybil 1399 6
How to handle married couples in your classmates listing Meg Davis 1695 6
Emails to Renuion attendees only Carmela Dalton 1431 6
ADMINS Jim Lange 1161 6

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