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Forums: General Discussion
Title Author Views [Replies] Last Post
What City Is Your School Located johnnybil 1342 6
Classified Ads Jim 1305 6
CHAT on TAP in 90 minutes! Gwen C. 1203 6
White space Sandi Williams 1173 6
Upload Class List -- adding the asterisk Robert McClintock 1529 6
Chat on TAP - Topic Update for April 11th Gwen C. 1598 6
This Day in History - Mismatch Lansing Eastern 1960 1425 6
creating a profile with no email Joani Lesser 1313 6
TAP - is for YOU! We chat in less than 2 hours! Gwen C. 1393 6
Reunion Planner Carmela Dalton 1188 6
Chat Chris Glaser 2774 6
Deleting a Topic in User Forums Bill Holly 1690 6
Registration form Judith Anne Emmanuel 3311 6
internal admin record change date available Joe Kmoch 1306 6
Were you listening to the Beatles here in America in 1962? Leahray Smith Wroten 1259 6
Imbedding map on reunion planner page Barbara Ecker 1292 6
Unauthorized classmates Jim 1088 6
After the Reunion Jim Minor (BHS '61) 1538 6
Remove a Survey Response JUDITH WILLIS 1422 6
Nametag Pictures David Stevens 1163 6
Co adminstrator Dave Salyers 1203 6
Trouble printing nametags Magique Rich 1330 6
Email in Platnum Upgrade Rick W Johnson 1218 6
Chat Room N.O. 1256 6
Sharing a Wonderful Story Sandy Lindeman 1922 6
Limited access to a survey Jim 1209 6
History Videos display "Invalid Parameter" 1971 Brave 1311 6
Pictuare frames Richard Elliott 1328 6
Creating a phonebook (of sorts) Irma Comer 1647 6
Mens brains vs Women s brains Thelma 1517 6
Upload Pdf File to File Vault Randy 2046 6
Looking for something to read for 50th bday bash Dawn Estep 1704 6
Table Properties Cynthia Robinson 1482 6
Home Page Overlap Thelma 1364 6
How can I indicate Februar / June classmates Paul Trattner 1308 6
Classmate Comments/Instant Messages Kathy Schmoldt 1204 6
Didnt see small deposit in Account CARRONHALL 1231 6
Evaluating Customizable Pages Richard Elliott 1331 6
HAPPY EASTER Thelma 1415 6
Post/Editing Announcement Issue Frances Trinidad 1303 6
over storage limit Ian Halikman 1185 6
How do get domain name after it has expired? Terri Beal 1550 6
How do you change the root admin MyrickCO91 1153 6
How do I make my Home Page the landing page? Helen Gugu Motepe 1207 6
Picture Question Bev 1247 6
Bounce back emails using old email Roberta 1311 6
3 buttons/2 choices Her 1462 6
attachments for class e-mail Paula Kelley 1549 6
posting a picture on home page Rick Nelson 1771 6
E-Check Min Darlene Christians 1520 6
My utube video is too big Diane 1585 6
is there a way?? Kevin Howard 1992 6
Guest Book Cynthia Robinson 1653 6
How best to collect contributions to website Michael Cornelissen 1396 6
cannot e-mail class Michael Cornelissen 1141 6 verify contact data Jamie R. 1845 6
Profiles Debbie Stewart 1731 6
Statistics show Visitors NOT listed in class? Cheryl Kemptner 1737 6
Discussion Forums Lynda Laughner 1428 6
Adding photos to our site Debbie 2543 6
Deceased Classmate Photos Elaine Rock 1652 6
Map error? bhartsy 1749 6
YouTube Error Peter Guren 1628 6
1950's Page Design (June) Mary Pulford 1695 6
Creating an easy URL for your website Joanne Newman 1978 6
Economic Impact of Class Reunions? John Chidester 1830 6
Photos Bonita 1890 6
Need a laugh Diane Doan 1470 6
Photos Bonita 1476 6
having problems Mary Ann Edens 1613 6
Adding pages that don't appear on the menu Bob S 2035 6
How to Print Classmate Profiles Michael Cornelissen 1616 6
message forum width overshoot George Martin Donato 1932 6
Missing Classmate Found, In a Rest Home Derrell Pulis; Warriors - 60; Host, Multiple Years 2131 6
Quick Question Nancy Wells 1327 6
Making User Forums exclusive for members ritzat 1734 6
Classmate without email address Maret 1915 6
Live Chat Yvette 2156 6
Required Contact Fields Kim McGinness Honeycutt 1756 6
Deactivate a survey question - Not working Fred Weis 2066 6
Lost Fridge Tracy BHS79 1729 6
Profile question Tina 2075 6
Survey Results (June) Mary Pulford 1861 6
Finding Classmates Abe G Messarra 2028 6
Deceased classmate Karen Rutan 2302 6
Attending reunion Mary Ann Holecek 1776 6
Can't edit home page pugo46 2212 6
display picture in new larger window Jeff Moles 1730 6
Wide Margin on Home Page Thelma 1916 6
Agenda Diane 1715 6
Uploading music Steve Foulks 1956 6
User forums Kim Ransom 1680 6
Memory Books Sandy Elliott 3148 6
Statistics Norma 1788 6
New Moderator Brad Switzer 1478 6
Sending announcement pugo46 1893 6
Banners Dave Salyers 1758 6
I.P. Address from Classmates Michael Hendrick 1658 6
Having the hardest time embedding anything!!! Really Frustrating UUUGGHH wapplesp 1436 6

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