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emailing to alumni in certain zip areas

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 04/11/12 04:02 PM Views: 1485 Replies: 6
Wednesday, April 11, 2012 at 4:02 PM

We'd like to send an email to alums who live in certain zip areas, specifically 530*, 531*, and 532*. Is there a way to either create a mailing list with just these individuals or import such a list? I've already downloaded the entire database and massaged the data. I've got about 2100 alums that match those zip codes and for whom we have email addresses. However, that spreadsheet doesn't do me much good if I want to send a message through this website to all of them. Can you help? Thx

Wednesday, April 11, 2012 at 4:20 PM - Response #1

In Email the Class, you can select to send the message to
"Members who meet the following criteria (click to show):"

and when you select that option, one of the criteria that shows up is
"Members who live in the following states/provinces:"

When you check that box, you are presented with a list of States, Provinces and other applicable regions for the members of your class, and each checkbox label includes the number of classmates whose addresses are within that region.

It isn't by zip code, but if you know where the zip codes are, you can still target your site members by geography.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012 at 7:59 PM - Response #2

Thank you for your response, but alas, that doesn't work for us. We really need to get at zipcodes in the Milwaukee area (actually more like SE Wisconsin). I followed your directions but have no way of determining from the list presented who is located where.

What is really needed is to allow us to import a list of names and email addresses (or even better, a list of names and have the site provide the current email address for each automatically). We have another similar situation where the committee that runs the spring luncheon has a database of about 500 alumni. She and I would like to import that list and send information out to these 500 or so via the website. This would be fantastically useful, particularly when we have so many in our database. All the manual labor that is often required to do thing like this should have to be.

I hope in the update (which I thought was coming about a year ago), that capabilities like this are being considered.

Thursday, April 12, 2012 at 9:56 AM - Response #3

Joe Kmoch wrote:

We'd like to send an email to alums who live in certain zip areas, specifically 530*, 531*, and 532*. Is there a way to either create a mailing list with just these individuals or import such a list? I've already downloaded the entire database and massaged the data. I've got about 2100 alums that match those zip codes and for whom we have email addresses. However, that spreadsheet doesn't do me much good if I want to send a message through this website to all of them. Can you help? Thx

What Joe wants to do is something all of us could use to suggest gatherings by area outside of reunion times. Connecting is what we are all about. Cool

I know this is not going to help Joe now, but can this be added to the wish list with a flag to move it up when addressed? Question

Sorry, Joe. Wish I had a magic wand. This would allow us to do more on our sites. When I can get to FL, I want to plan a mini-reunion. As it is now, I will have to go through the process Eric described to zero in on an area.

Dare I say that I'd love to do this with TAP members as our membership grows. One can dream, can't one? Smile

Thursday, April 12, 2012 at 11:27 AM - Response #4

Adding to the wishlist.

Friday, April 13, 2012 at 10:25 AM - Response #5

Eric B Bassey wrote:

Adding to the wishlist.

Thanks, Eric! Smile

Saturday, July 18, 2015 at 1:46 AM - Response #6

Bump. Adding to the Suggestion Box also.

This is a big "missing feature" in Class Creator.
I do all my data manipulation on spreadsheets, and then target which classmates get the appropriate e-mail.

An Import function for Mailing Lists would be ideal.

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