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Missing Classmates "Found" Notification

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 01/07/14 11:32 PM Views: 952 Replies: 6
Tuesday, January 7, 2014 at 11:32 PM

In preparation of our 45th Reunion and the sending of a 'save the date' postcard (at least to those who haven't joined the site or logged in recently), I have been trying to find addresses for "missing classmates" where possible. I believe that the criteria we selected for "missing" is where there is no address. Finding new addresses resulted in an automatic email sent to those classmates who had subscribed to the "notify me" option that a classmate has been "found". As I inputted about 20 addresses, lots of classmates' inboxes were overflowing. I am not sure that all of these addresses are correct, but in any event, really don't want these subscribers to be notified when I make address updates for missing classmates. I changed the preference setting regarding automatic emails to the second non automatic option. Is that enough? Does that do it? Thanks for your usual great help.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014 at 5:26 PM - Response #1

On your Preferences page, there is a setting for CLASSMATE NOTIFICATIONS ... select the Unchecked option.

(Classmates sign up to be notified when various pages of your site have been updated. You may not want these automatic notices to go out if you are making a small edit (e.g. fixing a typo). A checkbox is present under the editor window indicating how many people have subscribed to receive updates for the page you are editing. You can check or uncheck this box to send or not send these automatic notifications. The default status for this checkbox is settable below)

In addition, unless you mark the profiles to send a Profile Update, no Notify Me messages should be sent.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014 at 8:39 PM - Response #2


I have a similar situation on one of my other sites. I have the Missing defined as those without an email address. If I add an email address to a profile of someone not yet registered it triggers a Missing Classmate Found email.

Thursday, January 9, 2014 at 12:08 PM - Response #3

Oh. Obviously that's not right. I will forward this to a programmer right away.

Thursday, January 9, 2014 at 4:50 PM - Response #4

Thanks Scott,

I have selected the unchecked option in Missing Classmates Preferences as you suggest. Hopefully, that will override a classmate's subscription option for notification that someone is "found". It turns out that my "missing classmate" criteria was both lack of a street address or email address and not just the former as stated in my original post. In almost all cases, there is neither. It is much easier to track down street addresses than current email addresses.

Just to be clear, there is no "profile" update involved as I am just entering information on street addresses or emails addresses on non-site members gleaned from the internet or other sources on the missing classmate that have a high probability of accuracy but may not be correct. I am doing this through the Manage Classmates screen and not the Missing Classmate page. I have never checked the box on the Details page for a classmate to show that an entry of contact info should be treated as a profile change.

In reading your post, I am not sure where the check box is under the editor that shows how many or who is subscribing to the option to receive notification of "found" classmates. Not sure what screen to go to.

Finally, I didn't fully appreciate that entering possible contact info for eventual label use would result in the person automatically being taken off the missing classmates list. Although probably unlikely at this point, there remains the possibility that someone with the missing classmate's current email could generate a connection resulting in the classmate joining the website. Some sort of override, if it doesn't exist, may be a desirable feature to have.

Again, I very much appreciate your help.

Edited 01/09/14 4:56 PM
Monday, January 20, 2014 at 10:53 PM - Response #5


I wanted to follow up and let you know that selecting the unchecked option did not work and a batch of email notifications went out when I entered more address info for classmates who had not joined the site. Anyhow, I changed my criteria for "missing" to "not joined" the website and renamed the page "missing/not-joined". My missing list has more people, but at this point, I just want subscribers' inboxes not to fill up when I do research and manually enter info on the details page.


Tuesday, January 21, 2014 at 3:33 PM - Response #6

We are working to remove this particular notification from the system. This is still in development and I can't give you an eta, but it has been assigned.

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