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Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 03/03/15 04:03 PM Views: 691 Replies: 6
Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at 4:03 PM

Reference WHAT'S NEW posting. How do I go about changing the format on the GODDARD-Roswell High class of 1966 l N.M. webs site format to be like the Roswell CLASS of 1963 WHAT'S NEW style format. which is a better format for members to understand. If anyone of you can do it that will be ok with me.

Bill Leggett Admin. of both sites.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at 4:58 PM - Response #1

The Roswell 63 What's New page is currently deactivated. Post the exact link to the site in question if I need to look at something else.

There can't be any difference in the What's New page configuration. Although we're likely to add this at some point, there is currently no What's New custom setup options. Thus your page has to be the same as any other page in the system. It may look different based on the content that's pulling into it. My guess is different items appear to make the page look different, but it really is the same.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at 5:13 PM - Response #2

SORRY BRAD, I had Two of then up I deleted the one that was inactive,

What I would like to do is have the Goddard 'Roswell 66 class have the same format as the RHS 63 What News page.

What or how can it be changed.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at 8:22 PM - Response #3

Do me a a favor and post the exact links to both What's New pages that you're wanting to be the same. Other than having different information on them, I don't see how it's possible for the two What's New pages to be any different. There is currently only 1 non customizable standard configuration.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at 10:11 PM - Response #4

BRAD: I hope this works the Goddard/Roswell N.M. sites shows a profile

GODDARD_ROSWELL shows a profile type as the opening of the individual doing the posting

Roswell NM 1963 web site
My RHS 63 site starts off
Post Response

My question is why does it start showing the individuals profile no POST RESPONSE or a

Prior Page

Page #

Edited 03/03/15 10:16 PM
Friday, March 6, 2015 at 1:02 PM - Response #5

It looks to me that on one site, they Renamed their Message Board page to be What's New rather than using the System Page for What's New (gear icon next to it within Edit Site Pages). If you want to add the (system) What's New page, you would simply turn that one on.

Friday, March 6, 2015 at 6:20 PM - Response #6

Scott Mastenbrook wrote:

It looks to me that on one site, they Renamed their Message Board page to be What's New rather than using the System Page for What's New (gear icon next to it within Edit Site Pages). If you want to add the (system) What's New page, you would simply turn that one on.

SCOTT I am not sure what you mean as there is no edit for that page , can you turn it on for the GODDARD /ROSWELL SITE FOR ME, so it will look like my Roswell 63 web site

OK How do you turn it on
Thanks Bill

Edited 03/07/15 1:22 AM
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