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Email to class did not send

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 06/27/15 04:02 PM Views: 964 Replies: 6
Saturday, June 27, 2015 at 4:02 PM

Hello, I need some help with an email that I sent to the class last night. It is titled Alumni passing and it says that it sent, but I have not received it myself. Can someone please check on this and get it sent out.

Thanks bunches, Debbie Dacus Stewart

Sunday, June 28, 2015 at 5:18 PM - Response #1

Hi Debbie,

Yes it went out. We have heard back from a few users of email that their email had a delayed receipt. I'm not sure what caused the delay as the messages went out right away from our system. Let me know if you have received the message. If it is not in your Inbox you may also want to check your spam/junk folder as Yahoo can sometimes tweak their settings and some messages may end up there. To ensure none of your messages go there you may need to add to your white-list/safe senders list in Yahoo.

Class Creator Support

Sunday, June 28, 2015 at 9:46 PM - Response #2


I'm curious about what you meant when you say "It went out". Does that mean that it was generated and passed to the email server, or that the mail server had completed sending it to all addressees over some period of time?

I ask since today, for example, the Once daily which should have gone to three configured email addresses for my site showed up at a little after 5am, at (hosted by Yahoo) an hour later, and the gmail account which should have received it still hasn't seen it. Gmail typically sees these emails 4-5 hours after the other two, but 15 hours later is unusual.

Monday, June 29, 2015 at 1:26 AM - Response #3

I am having the same problem. I sent a message to the class about two hours ago. Usually I get my own copy instantly. Just now I sent a test message to myself and that didn't go through either.

Monday, June 29, 2015 at 5:55 PM - Response #4

Hi John,

We "sent it out" means its no longer in our systems or in our mail server queue. Gmail and yahoo sometimes have delays on their end. We received notices regarding both this weekend and submitted tickets to both. Yahoo has not responded, however, everyone reporting issues with that provider said the flood gates opened and their messages came through. Until we hear back I won't know the details and they often respond back that everything is functioning and flowing normally again without ever explaining why it wasn't before. Once we send the message it is hard for us to know unless we receive a bounce or a delayed send notice where the message is and why it is delayed. We did not receive bounces or delay notices everything just started flowing again.


Monday, June 29, 2015 at 5:57 PM - Response #5

Hi Tony,

I hope your messages made it through. I don't see any pending in the system so let me know if you are still having issues.

Class Creator Support

Monday, June 29, 2015 at 8:58 PM - Response #6

Thanks for the clarification. I know that the mail server often has to 'batch' emails to some ISP's, and some may still be in the queue for quite a while after the mail server gets them.

Oh, and Gmail shows that the Once Daily email I was missing yesterday wandered in at 2:54 this morning.

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