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Share a message question

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 04/06/14 09:12 AM Views: 1116 Replies: 6
Sunday, April 6, 2014 at 9:12 AM

Just looked over the "Introducing the new 'what's new' page. Subsection 1 says the What's New box is a replication of the 'share a message with classmates' box at the top of each classmate profile page. I'm confused. There is a "post a comment on (classmate's name) profile" near the top of the profile pages on our site. Not "share a message". Are these different boxes, or just not labeled the same? The introduction says the boxes are one and the same and do the same thing. So if I enter a comment on a single classmate's profile at the top, it will appear on the new page as well? I see a problem with this, as the words "comment" and "message" differ greatly. A comment implies to me that it's only about the person I'm writing about. A message implies it goes to a large distribution. Any thoughts, before I activate the What's New page?
Dave Stone

Sunday, April 6, 2014 at 2:26 PM - Response #1

I apologize I should have made the email more clear. When I state "at the top of each classmate profile page" I literally meant for each classmate, i.e. this box is only there when you're looking at your own profile. You're looking at somebody else's profile, thus you're comparing two different boxes that do two different things.

When you look at your own Profile (regular display, not edit mode) you'll see the "Share a Message with Classmates" box is labeled the same way the What's New page is labeled. Messages in this box appear in the first of the 3 sections of the What's New page (Recent Classmate Messages heading) as well as on your own Profile.

Conversely, comments made on a different classmate's profile will appear either under the "Following" or "Not Follow" section depending on whether the classmate viewing the page is following that person under Notify Me or not.

Edited 04/06/14 2:42 PM
Sunday, April 6, 2014 at 4:21 PM - Response #2

Brad- I may have missed a previous email re classmate profile messages. As I understand it, when a classmate posts a message/comment (not a private message)on another classmate's profile...unless the receiving classmate "checks" his/her OWN profile...they will not know there are any messages/comments from any classmates. Am I correct?
I ask because I have never seen (for example) a classmate acknowledge a received birthday wish. Am I to assume that all replies to a birthday wish were sent via a "private" reply to the sending classmate? Sounds improbable but...............
Thanks, John

Tuesday, April 8, 2014 at 4:35 PM - Response #3

The birthday wish may have either been sent directly / privately, or posted to the profile, which would be an open forum.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014 at 9:25 AM - Response #4

Scott- I may not have asked this correctly. I noticed many (all?) classmates are posting a Birthday wish/greeting/comment on a classmates profile but NOT privately.
In other words, unless I check my own profile...I would not be aware/notified that I've been sent a birthday (or any posting). Correct? Rolling Eyes
If this is the case, I would want to "email the class" informing (reminding?) them to check their own profiles periodically.
Just want to be sure I'm understanding this correctly before I confuse our classmates. Embarassed
Thanks for replying. John

Wednesday, April 9, 2014 at 6:38 PM - Response #5

Depends on how this is set:

We have a few issues with various Notify Me's firing right now which could indicate somebody did not get notified of a profile comment. All Notify issues should be resolved momentarily (been making a few structural changes here).

Thursday, April 10, 2014 at 9:53 AM - Response #6

Thanks, Brad.

A good test will be this month. My birthday is at the end of the month & my Notify Me setting has always been set to "immediately" for someone leaving a message on my profile page.


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