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Home Page Overlap

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 05/12/11 05:23 PM Views: 1356 Replies: 6
Thursday, May 12, 2011 at 5:23 PM

The home page slightly overlaps to the right column when viewed by logged in viewers only. For the rest ( non- logged in) it looks fine. Would you please check ? Thanks so much.

Friday, May 13, 2011 at 12:10 PM - Response #1

Hi Thelma,

Something in your Clipart Annoucement is pushing out the page. If you make sure everything on that annoucement is 400 pixels or less in width it should work.

Class Creator Support

Friday, May 13, 2011 at 2:29 PM - Response #2

Hi Jessica,
Thanks for your reply. I did check and none of the announcement clipart had widths over 400 pixels. Anyway just to make sure I dropped them some more:
1. From 225 to 200 pixels
2. From 156 to 126
3. From 300 to 200
4. From 380 t0 300
5. From 385 to 355
6. From 299 to 199
7. From 385 to 355
Unfortunately it didn't work. What's confusing is why it displays the overlap only for logged in viewers? I'ved set the home page 2 ways. The public doesn't see announcements with personal information. Those who logged in sees more content of course. But the layout - overlap should be the same for everyone. Also checked source and didn't see any flags I'm familiar with. It hasn't happened before - can't think of a paradigm to describe this better. I guess it's something new to learn / benefit from - among us who've been in the same class for a few years? I hope it helps to know about how the home page is set? Although it doesn't seem to mean anything, it might be to you!
Thanks Jessica?Confused

Friday, May 13, 2011 at 2:52 PM - Response #3

You have me stumped. The only other thing I can suggest is to slowly remove all the elements of that announcement one piece at a time and save until it gets fixed and then add you content back. I tried at least 3 vairations with no success.

Friday, May 13, 2011 at 6:08 PM - Response #4

Your suggestion worked. I did it one at a time. The only one left with 400 pixels width was the slideshow I had on since a year ago that hadn't cause an overlap problem; once I reduced the width, it started to look better.

So I went live and noticed how close the line( displayed in yellow)) to the Who's on line box. Then I logged out and went back (not logging in) and saw how much wider is the white space on the left and right side of the announcement section -
not touching the Log in box...

Is the problem linear ? Measurement is different when you log in and when you aren't? I'm just glad your idea worked.
Thanks Scott for trying to fix it.

Edited 05/13/11 6:16 PM
Saturday, May 14, 2011 at 5:36 PM - Response #5

Hi Thelma,

It was different for logged in users because you have some home page right hand modules turned on only for logged in classmates. Your Poll, whick was available to logged in users only, had a question that contained the following long words together with a / between them and no spaces so the words could not word wrap: Intravenous/Venopuncturist. I added some space on either side of the / and it is wrapping now.

Class Creator Support

Saturday, May 14, 2011 at 10:21 PM - Response #6

Another lesson learned today. I'm glad you found the root cause.
Thanks Jessica.

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