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internal admin record change date available

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 06/12/11 05:38 PM Views: 1296 Replies: 6
Sunday, June 12, 2011 at 5:38 PM

Is there a date field being kept that maintains the date a record has been modified by an admin? This would be very useful as we try to figure out when we need to try to contact someone anew because an address, email or phone number has changed. With a number of people working to update records from nearly 100 years of graduates, the date a record was modified by an admin would allow us, for example, to send out a previous message that we'd like all to see. We had this capability on an offline database we maintained, but that database is out of date for this purpose. Thanks

Monday, June 13, 2011 at 5:37 PM - Response #1

Hi Joe,

There is an Admin Notes box on the Details page for each classmate record under Manage Classmates > Enter/Edit Classmates. That information appears on the Details page and it also appears on the Download Classlist as its own column. The Admin Notes data is not displayed on the classmates profile - it is only there for admins to make notes for themselves or other admins.

Class Creator Support

Monday, June 13, 2011 at 6:55 PM - Response #2

Yes I'm aware of that, but that is really just a blank space to put notes in. The system doesn't leave a last modified date there automatically. Is there another date field that can be made available (but is not now available to my knowledge) that allow me to grab all classmate contact records which have been modified either by an admin or by individual classmates? I'm envisioning something like the database download but with an extra column for date record last modified by either admin or individual.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011 at 8:32 PM - Response #3

I will add this to the wishlist items for when the programmers are working on that section of the site next. In the meantime the admin comments can be used and they will appear on the download for the classlist for any admin updates. The download also already includes the last login date and last updated information which shows when the classmate last updated the page.

Class Creator Support

Tuesday, June 14, 2011 at 11:42 PM - Response #4

Thanks - this added date will help a great deal when it is implemented.

Sunday, December 11, 2011 at 12:32 PM - Response #5

Re: Last Updated field. When our admins make changes for classmates we do not always see that field changed. Do admins always have to check the show-as-profile-update box to get Last Updated to post the new entry date, or is there something else we need to do. We have a regular process to download the classmate list and query on Last Updated, but this query is not always working right as the date is not changed.

Monday, December 12, 2011 at 1:25 PM - Response #6

Yes, if an admin makes a change for a classmate within the Manage Classmates > Enter / Edit Classmates page, you WILL need to check the show as profile update check box in order to update the last updated field.

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