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Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Title Author Views Replies [Last Post]
forum messages Ann 1675 9
activing/deactivating forum pages Wallace Kaufman 1191 3
Request different messages for Profile Verification Kyle Erickson 1404 3
Veteran's Page dshellpsu 1450 5
Mass email problem Ellen Reddick 1372 3
Making a Cool Page Dunbar Reunion 1999 Commitee 1463 4
Deceased classmates profiles Karen 1593 6
Credit collected vs. amount received Liesle Markevitch 1251 1
Press Release about Class Creator RE: Nancy Kathy Schmoldt 1178 2
Privacy of Images Larry 1323 2
Forum page problems Jennifer Best 1518 6
History/Videos Link on Multi-Yr Sites Cheryl Kemptner 1293 1
Please add PayPal as reunion check out option Jenny Gurney 1536 2
disclaimer/agreement Felicity Wilson 1304 4
Release Management Kevin Catlin 1445 4
Canadian Issues Fred Johannesen 1231 1
Donations through email... Cindi Mladenka 1335 1
Reunion "Paid" icon??? Laura Mulholland 1263 1
Sort Class Download Photos by Last Name Cheryl Kemptner 1177 1
In Memory Mary Smith 1317 1
Threaded forum question Kevin Taylor 1675 12
show yearbook photo JUDITH WILLIS 1276 4
Compliment for CC and ME Debbie Phillips 1365 4
Download Class List for Mac Users with Numbers Mindy McQueen 1423 1
Date format stan6781982675 1361 5
In Memory - How Long to Post JUDITH WILLIS 1308 1
That yellow star stan6781982675 1672 7
"In the Chat Room now" Box? Donaldeh 2051 10
Reunion Planner Updates Chris Waples 1345 4
Customize Steve Foulks 1331 2
Editing under Manage Classmates Mary Smith 1280 3
Download Class List Garth Kuemper 2027 12
profile updates Rich Pepe 1525 2
In Memory Contact Form BRVHSDonDavis 1551 3
New Threaded Forum (June) Mary Pulford 1308 1
Forums - viewed by classmates only? stan6781982675 1544 7
Thank You Class Creator Team! Derry Bullock 1229 1
Thank You, thank you, thank you!!!!! Cindi Mladenka 1307 1
Viewing webpage on half of the screen James Tobin 1414 1
"Restricted to Classmates only" filter/flag Kyle Erickson 1378 1
Suggestion For B.R.A.D. Deborah 1317 1
Reunion showing people who signed in saying they are NOT attending Robert (Rob) Warthen 1383 1
Obfuscating email addresses Beth Shaw 1661 3
Download Class List Tom Pearson 1653 2
Uploading photos problems Brenda Windel 1630 1
Member Access Site Administrator 1526 5
Suggestion on making ClassCreator more visible Mark Beasley 1360 1
Deceased download - date updated Mary Smith 1307 3
In Memory Icons Paula Chaney 1774 1
Profile Subscriptions Suggestion CathyP 1271 1
Side Panel - New Flashing Steve Antush 1495 3
Suggest SORT OPTIONS for "Email the Class" Kyle Erickson 1446 1
Reports Area George Mosier 1361 2
Photo Albums Vanessa Velasquez 1962 12
Viewing Teacher Profiles Pam St. Pierre 1723 10
Wanted: Sandbox Area Liz 1364 1
making announcements DAWN 1362 1
"Missing Classmates" counter?? Laura Mulholland 2276 14
Custom Profile items to Export Aimee 1513 3
login problem Mary Smith 1319 0
New Classmate Notification--multi-year sites Cheryl Kemptner 1457 3
Suggestion for Manage Classmates Kyle Erickson 1281 1
Classmate Notes Liz 1616 8
Option button on new forum Ann 1559 5
Adding A Calendar Jamie R. 1476 1
Profile (Member) Wizard wording Donaldeh 1805 7
Profile Generator- A dead default tab? Michael Hendrick 1329 1
Manage Classmates suggestion Kyle Erickson 1210 1
survey results ttockgs 1527 7
browsing Barbara Kenney 1382 2
Classmate changing year Mary Smith 1352 1
I have a font question Jamie R. 1804 9
Donations - Thank you Vida McCullough 1621 1
foreign exchange students Brian Tice 1302 1
Suggestions for new Threaded E-mail Kyle Erickson 1483 7
multi year sites Richard A. Finke 1510 2
Military Service Edit Profile 1470 3
"Deceased" Carol Merrill 2993 20
Son of deceased classmate wants to complete his dad's profile Colleen Grim 1687 4
Order Forms add transaction # Susan K. Terry 1295 1
key word search John Jeff Buss 1342 2
Classmate Profile suggestion Kyle Erickson 3409 5
A quick thank you Sally Raggio 1471 2
Another Thank You! Diana 1402 3
Face Recogniton in the future? Cheryl Kemptner 1564 4
Reunion Planner Liz 1358 3
Subscribe to Thread User Configurable SteveGTR 1361 2
Email Newsletters John Chidester 1384 2
Custom Theme Editing? John Chidester 1616 1
Delete Button Mary Jane Gamad 1342 2
What's on the Road Map? Tom Perry 1907 10
Site activity - counts Ruth Music 1356 3
Threaded E-mail in THIS forum? Kyle Erickson 3528 9
Reunion Success and Thank you Margie Carroll 1514 3
Profile Template Stephanie Cheevers 1511 3
Whole School Rate & Database? Dawn Swanson 2225 13
Key words for classmates database John Chidester 1532 3
Reunion planner - payment info Krista Burbach 1496 2
Colored topics Ann 1601 3

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