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Uploading photos problems

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 07/13/09 07:15 AM Views: 1665 Replies: 1
Monday, July 13, 2009 at 7:15 AM

One of my classmates has been trying to upload photos in his profile and keeps getting the message that "photos not saved". He is using internet Explorer and is scanning photos to his desktop and then uploading to his profile picture page. Any suggestions? I see where there is work being done on the site, could this be the problem? Any help you can give will be appreciated.

Brenda Windel
Vandalia-Butler Class of 1964

Monday, July 13, 2009 at 9:10 AM - Response #1

We are in the middle of moving images to a new system, which you can read more about here. But no, this should have no impact on a Classmate's ability to upload Profile Photos.

Have the Classmate try this:

1) Make sure the photo being uploaded is saved in the JPG format.
2) Try resizing the image to 1,000 pixels wide before uploading. Sometimes problems can occur if the Classmate is trying to upload super sized digital photos or very large image scans (today's digital photos can be enormous). This can cause connections to hang or timeout sometimes. A resize prior to uploading will virtually always do the trick.

If the Classmate needs a good free image resizer refer them to

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