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New Classmate Notification--multi-year sites

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 08/22/09 05:08 PM Views: 1451 Replies: 3
Saturday, August 22, 2009 at 5:08 PM

Sure would be helpful to know what year a classmate has signed up for when the notice comes. Can the year of the classmate be added to their name in the automatic notice?

Of course, I always reply back to each one personally thanking them for joining anyway so this is NOT a big deal.

Love everything!

Saturday, August 22, 2009 at 8:35 PM - Response #1

Sure, I'll put in a note for Dave to include the year on the notice for multi year sites. Good idea.

Saturday, August 22, 2009 at 9:26 PM - Response #2

I have a little challenge on my site. I was updating the graduation pictures of some of my guests and I have one that won't change. Initially I uploaded an underclassman picture for their profile. I have just received a graduation picture and I thought I could delete the first one and then upload the second one.

This worked okay for a few guests. On Marie Pier Flores I can delete the underclassman photo and when I upload the new graduation picture, then old underclassman photo shows up. Is there a way I can access the Senior photos to make sure that I delete the old underclassman photo so I can upload the new graduation photo?

At the present time, I am stumped on what am I doing wrong? I am attaching the new graduation photo for your perusal.

George Ybarra

Saturday, August 22, 2009 at 11:12 PM - Response #3

If you rename the photo on your computer before you try to upload, that has worked for other admins. I think that if you use the same name, it gets confused and thinks that it already has one by that name, so the program tries to just use the old one.

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