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Reunion showing people who signed in saying they are NOT attending

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 07/04/09 11:39 PM Views: 1398 Replies: 1
Saturday, July 4, 2009 at 11:39 PM

For some reason, the system is showing people who answered no to the reunion as attending. Is there a way we can go in and edit that? We want to know who actively said yes and who actively said no. That way we can simply look at those who didn't respond at all. Also would be nice if we could edit the list who is saying no so we know already.

Any ideas on how to do this?

Sunday, July 5, 2009 at 12:30 AM - Response #1

Welcome Robert.

There are two ways a Classmate can turn on his or her "attending reunion" icon:

1) By editing the Profile page and selecting "Yes" for the Attending Reunion Question.

2) By completing your official reunion regisration form. Completing this form will automatically turn on the "attenin reunion" icon.

You'll find that everyone with their icon on did one of the two things above.

Yes, any Admin can control the display of this icon by editing the Clasmate's Profile and seleting yes or no to the Attending Reunion question.

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