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Please add PayPal as reunion check out option

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 05/20/09 01:21 PM Views: 1566 Replies: 2
Wednesday, May 20, 2009 at 1:22 PM

I would like everyone to be able to use the "Items For Sale" to buy tickets to various reunion events. This is very helpful for keeping straight who owes what. However, if someone wants to use PayPal, then it's confusing because they can only choose "Check" or "Credit Card." So currently, I tell them to choose "Check," then go to PayPal. It would be great if you could create a third radio button that says PayPal, even if you don't actually redirect them there. Thanks!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009 at 3:23 PM - Response #1

There are actually 3 payments types in there, one of which is "Other". Just activate your "Other" payment type and tell your Classmates how to pay you through PayPal.

Long story, but Reunion Planner I had a PayPal option. Two problems were it couldn't integrate with our sytem the way our own merchant gateway could (causing much more manual logging work) and a variety of people had trouble establishing PayPal accounts for reunions.

Having said that though, there's no reason you can't use your "Other" payment option to direct people to pay you via PayPal.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009 at 8:01 PM - Response #2

Ah, thank you! I didn't see "Other" hiding down there at the bottom after the "Mail To:" info for checks. That's just what I wanted. Thanks!

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