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Graduates vs Non-Graduates

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 12/03/08 09:08 PM Views: 1266 Replies: 4
Wednesday, December 3, 2008 at 9:08 PM

This is obviously not a deal breaker, but...We have included maybe 10 people who for whatever reason did not actually graduate with us. They are under the top section. It skews my numbers because they are not actual graduates. When I moved them to "guest" status, I got a little flack. I know we are overloaded with icons, but is there any way to separate those non-graduates with some sort of icon and have them not skew the numbers? Just a thought. Thanks for everything you guys do for us. Can't tell you what a difference this site has made for our class.

Thursday, December 4, 2008 at 3:40 AM - Response #1

Two new icons are already slated, flag and pencil. Unfortunately for now that's literally all that can fit. They'll have to deal with being guests, or for now you'll have to deal with them being Classmates.

Thursday, December 4, 2008 at 4:54 PM - Response #2


What is the pencil going to signify? I know that the flag will indicated military service, but I hadn't read anything about a pencil.

Just curious.


Thursday, December 4, 2008 at 5:00 PM - Response #3

The pencil icon will indiate that a comment has been entered by a Classmate under the Profile. It will only appear if the comment has been made in the past 30 days though. So in the key we'll have:

Includes Profile comment within past 30 days.

This allows for two things:

1) Clasmates can quickly see which Profiles have recent comments, so this will help tell Classmates where to click.

2) Administrators who want to monitor pretty much everything will be able to sort the Class List by most recent Profile comments, thus quickly being able to read through everything without having to guess where to click.

Thursday, December 4, 2008 at 5:03 PM - Response #4 guys are always thinking! Nifty idea.

Keep up the good work!


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