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Reunion Planning - Show Attendee Return Option

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 04/14/10 07:31 PM Views: 1233 Replies: 1
Wednesday, April 14, 2010 at 7:31 PM

On the Show Attendee page, after I make an adjustment I hit the UPDATE button and then get a notice saying the page updated. It would be nice to have a RETURN button on that blank page that allows me to return the Show Attendees screen.

It would be even better if I had a Navigation menu that would allow me to navigate to Show Attendee or Run Reports.

Currently, I have to go back down to the Reunion Planner Menu option to get to get back where I want to be.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010 at 10:36 PM - Response #1

Yay on the first request. In fact since that was simple that one is has already been implemented.

Nay on the second request, with many main features already under the Admin Functions and more to come we have to keep that area showing main categories only. At some point we may add flyouts depending on what else goes in there, not sure on that yet.

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