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How to embed URL in a posting

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 04/03/15 11:08 AM Views: 3507 Replies: 21
Friday, April 3, 2015 at 11:08 AM

I was sent a newspaper article about one of our classmates. I have uploaded a .jpg of the article to the "files" area of the website. Now I want to send a message post to the classmates, telling them about the article, and in that message, I'd like to have a clickable link there to open the .jpg. Can this be done? (That's a lot easier than telling them how to navigate to the article in our Photos gallery page.)

Friday, April 3, 2015 at 12:12 PM - Response #1

In your message to the class highlight the text you want to serve as the link, click the chain icon (third from the right in the second row), click on File Vault, find the file, click on it and then select Insert.

Edited 04/03/15 12:12 PM
Friday, April 3, 2015 at 12:54 PM - Response #2

Well I know I can do that when I'm entering content using Edit Site Pages. The editor comes up with the toolbar of icons, including the one to make a link. But if I'm just sending a posting to a classmate, and want to include a link in that posting, that toolbar of icons isn't available. Or is it, and maybe I just haven't discovered it yet?

Friday, April 3, 2015 at 1:23 PM - Response #3

How are you sending the posting to classmates? I assumed you were using Email the Class.

Friday, April 3, 2015 at 2:16 PM - Response #4

No, I want it to show up as a posting, like any other, under "What's New" where it says, "Post a comment for the class." I don't want it to be an email. I just want the posting to be like, "Did you see the interesting article in the newspaper about Jane Doe? Click here to read it."

Friday, April 3, 2015 at 2:27 PM - Response #5

If you want to include a link to a picture in your image vault in a comment, first go to the vault and click on the file name to display the picture. Right click on the picture and select "Copy Link Location".
Go back to where you want to post a comment, enter whatever text you want, and paste (CTRL-V) the link into the comment.

Friday, April 3, 2015 at 3:48 PM - Response #6

Well I think I'm being too much of a complainer. Pasting the link might work. I tried it, and it did paste in the link, but there were two things wrong with that. First, it was just the text for the link, and it was not click-able. You'd have to copy and paste it into your browser, which most people wouldn't bother to do. Secondly, it was two lines long, and ugly. I'm looking for a way to embed the link behind a word, like "Click here." with the word "here" being the word to click on, that takes you to the link location. In fact, as I type this response, I can see the toolbar above the text, with the chain link icon. So I could highlight a word and associate a URL with the word. But not with the "Post A Comment" entry capability. Again, I guess I'm looking for a capability that's not there, and being too much of an ingrate for all the good advice on this forum. Smile Thanks for providing good ideas to try.

Friday, April 3, 2015 at 4:38 PM - Response #7

Tom, it should be 'clickable', although it is long. Check out this recent forum post [LINK]
Check the format of the link. Pasting or typing a link in a Post A Message works here - or at least it did not long ago, and the links in both the comment and in What's New are still 'clickable'.

Friday, April 3, 2015 at 4:58 PM - Response #8

So I pasted the (very long) link into my posting. It shows up, but is still not clickable. Here's how it starts...

I know the link is good, because I pasted it into a Microsoft Outlook email message, and then it showed up as underlined, and when I clicked on it, it went to the desired image. But it sill doesn't appear to be clickable in my What's New page.

Friday, April 3, 2015 at 5:29 PM - Response #9

Well.... it did work here a week or two ago when someone created a Post A Message in their profile which included a clickable link, but they made some changes in that area to make that link in What's new that was not clikable now functional. Maybe posting a message in What's New doesn't work, or I guess it could be some difference in browsers, although I find that unlikely. I'm using FireFox.

At one time, you could create a link in a test page, and copy the source for that link (and displayed word) into a comment, but I don't know if that still works.

Friday, April 3, 2015 at 7:21 PM - Response #10

Yes it did (used to work). From what I read in another post by Brad, HTML links, etc. is now DISABLED in a post - related to I think your post talking about links working in one place and not another.

Not sure what disabling HTML accomplished since now posts can no longer be attractive. Rolling Eyes

Edit this is where this was mentioned LINK


Both the WN and Profiles now disallow markup

John Ralph wrote:

At one time, you could create a link in a test page, and copy the source for that link (and displayed word) into a comment, but I don't know if that still works.

Edited 04/03/15 7:46 PM
Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 12:11 AM - Response #11

While there may have been some reason to disable that handy and welcome functionality, I'll miss it. I'm sure it probably could have been misused somehow, but I'd bet that those who did use it knew what they were doing.

Maybe it will be restored when they fix Tom's problem with trying to add a clickable link... I hope...

Wednesday, April 8, 2015 at 2:17 PM - Response #12

Links are now active in the What's New page. That is new since the beginning of this post. However, you would still have a long / ugly link. I would copy the link and then use a URL shortener site such as to shorten the link. Paste the new shorter link and you will be all set.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015 at 2:37 PM - Response #13

That works, but... it was a lot handier when we had the same functionality 'in-house' using the editor. Can we have 'markup' back in posts/comments please?

Wednesday, April 8, 2015 at 8:06 PM - Response #14

I'm confused Cool

Before the beginning of this post, one could put in just about any HTML in the What's New Page. I never verified what changes were made when they were mentioned in both this post and the post I referenced indicating same (I just ASSumed it was a done deal).

However, I just tested again (as I did when WN was first announced) and one can "markup" a page and put in a link with an image, etc, etc.

So what exactly is not supposed to work? Please don't disable "markup" since that's a very cool feature to make posts interesting.

You can see our WN and see the post I just created with full html using a table, background, images and a clickable link (using an image, but could just as well have been a text link - so no need to use the shortener.

This is exactly the same "test" code I used the first time and it works just like the first time.

So what exactly was changed and is it now changed back? For all intents and purposes, I don't see any difference in my testing. Could this be an option difference again?

Scott Mastenbrook wrote:

Links are now active in the What's New page. That is new since the beginning of this post. However, you would still have a long / ugly link. I would copy the link and then use a URL shortener site such as to shorten the link. Paste the new shorter link and you will be all set.

Monday, March 28, 2022 at 10:16 AM - Response #15

If links are active in What's New, how do you insert them in the post you create?
I highlighted a link that was click-able, copied it and pasted it into the post I was creating in What's New, but it turned into plain text.
What step, or steps am I missing?

Monday, March 28, 2022 at 1:24 PM - Response #16

Earl Porter wrote:

If links are active in What's New, how do you insert them in the post you create?
I highlighted a link that was click-able, copied it and pasted it into the post I was creating in What's New, but it turned into plain text.
What step, or steps am I missing?

You have to post the HTML that created the post not just the copied "text" with the link. For example if I wanted to put the link in this thread as a post in "What's New" I'd post

The "text" is LINK in terms of what What's New code is copying. It is not looking at the html.

Thursday, March 31, 2022 at 2:11 PM - Response #17

The post was not created by HTML. I just typed it in the WN page's Post a Comment box and pasted a link (for example: https://us02 in the comment.
Do I have to create the comment with a CC editor and then copy it to the WN page entry?

Thursday, March 31, 2022 at 3:26 PM - Response #18

Going by original OP that said

I highlighted a link that was click-able, copied it and pasted it into the post

There is HTML behind anything that is clickable. Of course you can't see it.

If you post something that is an actual link (as https://us02 ), CC converts it into a clickable link adding the required html.

I assumed from first OP where you copied a clickable link that it was just TEXT that was clickable, not that is was an actual link. IOW, if you type an actual link CC converts in What's New.

I'm just showing that if you post HTML it will always work.

So was the link an actual explicit link or just TEXT that was clickable? CC adds an option to post as text if it sees that it is a link of some sort.

Thursday, March 31, 2022 at 10:48 PM - Response #19

The original text was indeed a link that when clicked on actually opened the URL.
In Mac Mail the text was blue and was underlined.
I simply highlighted it, copied it to the clipboard and then pasted it into the comment I was typing in the What's New page.
That was put into the comment as plain text.

I also edited that What's New comment and retyped the entire data (https://xxxxx)
and saved it hoping that typing the data would get converted to a clickable link.
It also ended up just plain text.
I read your reply as if typing it would get converted by CC.

Thursday, March 31, 2022 at 11:13 PM - Response #20

My conclusion here that this is a BUG for Mac code. It works exactly as I described for a Windows machine on Firefox 98 (as you I think are using).

CC checks what browser you are using and adjusts code accordingly. They've made a few mistakes in the past similar to this one.

I can copy/paste a fully qualified link or just type it in and the LINK sort of html is added.

Have you tried typing the full html version with the < a and < /a > ?

Friday, April 1, 2022 at 10:25 AM - Response #21

Thanks Jack,
Typing in the works just fine.
I guess Mac's Firefox is flawed.

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