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Something is covering up our login box

Forums: Questions and Answers About Building Your Site
Created on: 07/07/08 10:02 AM Views: 1339 Replies: 3
Monday, July 7, 2008 at 10:02 AM

My name is Jodi Newsome I am the administrator for
For the last two days our homepage has not loaded right. The announcements are taking up the whole page and not show the login area or any other items on the right hand side. Can you tell me why its doing this and how to fix it please.

Monday, July 7, 2008 at 10:16 AM - Response #1

The editor component you have on your site is very powerful, giving you access directly to the source code of your site. While this allows you to do some high level editing on your site, it also gives you the power to "mess stuff up."

A variety of things can be put in your Announcements box to cause it to be too wide:

1) Extraneous html code pasted into your Announcement area from Microsoft Word.

2) Items that are too large to fit, including images, tables, and horizontal rules.

3) Third party embedded objects that are too wide for your Announcemnts box (such as playlists, or Youtube videos).

4) Holding down the space bar and putting in numerous "non breaking spaces." Numerous non breaking spaces in a row have nowhere to wrap, thus they blow out your Announcements board.

In your case it was #4. I.E. you had a whole bunch of hard spaces inserted into Announcement #2. I removed these for you, but if you see this happen again, just edit your page and click on the source button. Then look for numerous spaces in the code all run together.

Select and delete all the non breaking spaces, then save your page. Your Announcements box will now return to normal.

Edited 07/07/08 10:20 AM
Wednesday, September 3, 2008 at 11:36 PM - Response #2

Brad, All day the website has been working great. And then tonight we went on and the front page is blown out. I tried to search for the answer on the forum and I just can't find it. Can you please tellme what happened and/or how to fix it. We didn't change anything today. Yesterday we added the birthday block, but we don't know what caused this.

Thanks again,


Thursday, September 4, 2008 at 9:46 PM - Response #3

Sorry about that. After launching the Birthday module we had to make a couple more updates after it went live, and I suspect your site temporarily skewed as we were working on the module. It looks fine now so I'm going to assume it was in fact the Birthday module tweaks that caused this temporarily.

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