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How do I use Guest Access? Or let teachers have access?

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 05/01/09 03:00 PM Views: 1217 Replies: 1
Friday, May 1, 2009 at 3:00 PM

I've been moderating our site now for almost five months now at and we're kind of down to having found most everyone and are moving on to teachers. How do I give teachers access to read profiles? Or add their name somewhere as not a classmate, but an addition to the lineup of profiles? Where they can even fill out a profile? Please reply to I may not check this thread. Thanks

Friday, May 1, 2009 at 3:47 PM - Response #1

Single year sites add them as Guests - most add the description of the teacher in the Maiden name field so it shows up as Teacher Name (English) or Teacher Name (Photography) on the Guest Listing that shows up under the Classmate listings on the Classmate Profiles page.

You can add them under Manage Classmates, Edit/Enter Classmates and then Add New - there is an option to make them a guest as you add them.

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