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Green check marks don't seem to working properly

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 05/24/12 12:11 PM Views: 1743 Replies: 12
Thursday, May 24, 2012 at 12:11 PM

I have the radio button turned ON for the "On Classmate Profiles, display [green check mark] only for those who have filled out profile information" ... on the page under "Enter/Edit Classmates" under "Manage Classmates." Nevertheless, when I click the "Classmates List" link on my home page it shows a green check mark next to almost every classmate (over half of whom have not filled out any profile information), as well as next to every single Guest member, and it shows a number in excess of our total classmate population in the count box at the top of this page. This did not use to be the case - something has changed, i.e., the green check marks used to only be found next to classmates or guests who actually filled out profile information, and the count used to be correct. Can you help?

Thursday, May 24, 2012 at 12:34 PM - Response #1

The option on the Manage Classmates page is poorly worded, but what it means is that a checkmark will be shown for every classmate who has information in their profile, whether it was entered by them or by an admin. The other option is to have the checkmark only show if the classmate has registered and joined the site, without regard for whether there is any content in their profile.

Thursday, May 24, 2012 at 5:40 PM - Response #2

Thank you, Eric, for your prompt reply attempting to help solve my problem. However, when I instead turn ON the only other radio button choice, i.e., "On Classmate Profiles, display [green check mark] next to all Classmates who have joined the site," I observe no change in the large number of classmates and guests for whom a green check mark is placed next to their names.....most of whom have not registered and joined the site.

Friday, May 25, 2012 at 1:09 AM - Response #3

Hi Stan,
I'm not sure I understand, but perhaps, this might help:
Where it states "only display a (check mark) for those who have filled out classmate information", it should say "only display a (check mark)for those whose classmate information has been filled out". Another words, for those who have -- 'filled out classmate information' (regardless of who did the filling out). Am I making any sense?
Therefore, you will see more checks than there are alumni either joined to the site or updated their own profiles. An administrator must have filled in info for them (probably figuring she/he is helping you out.Idea

Friday, May 25, 2012 at 3:01 AM - Response #4

Thanks for trying to help, Barbara, but I don't think your suggested explanation is the answer. I am the only acting Administrator of the website and I have not entered any profile information for most of the classmates and guests. Moreover, only classmates and guests who have had profile information entered used to be correctly counted (with a green check mark), but now almost every classmate and guest is counted (with a green check mark is placed next to their name). I think I may need to send this one to the folks in the Help department as the problem may indicate some kind of programming glitch concerning my class website. **** Perhaps to be a little more concrete and specific as to my problem....if you click on the "view site" button that takes you to my website, and then click on the "Classmate List" link near the top of my home page, it will open and show a legend box at the top that indicates 822 as "contains profile information" classmates with a green check mark. If you then go back to the home page and click on the "Class Statistics" link on the left side, it will open a page that will show 330 as the "total number of classmates and guests with Profile info shown on Classmate List page." The 330 number is correct and is what used to be displayed on the Classmate List page also, i.e., these two numbers both used to agree. Now - for some unknown reason - this number has jumped to 822 on the Classmate List page and so has the number of green check marks displayed on this page.

Friday, May 25, 2012 at 9:23 AM - Response #5

Sorry about that Stan. I was giving it my best shot. But I do understand you now. Also, I can't find any combination of 330's or halves of or doubles or thirds or anything that might make any ombination equal to 822. Sorry I couldn't be of help.

Friday, May 25, 2012 at 10:47 AM - Response #6

This has been passed to programming for review.

Friday, May 25, 2012 at 10:48 AM - Response #7

This has been passed to programming for review.

Friday, May 25, 2012 at 12:23 PM - Response #8

Thank you both for your efforts, Barbara and Eric. I'm sure this issue will be resolved.

Sunday, May 27, 2012 at 8:34 PM - Response #9


The reason everyone has a check-mark is because everyone has a photo that you added. The checkmarks appear if there is ANY information to be viewed, including a picture. It doesn't matter if it was entered by the classmate or the admin.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012 at 6:05 PM - Response #10

Thanks, was use of the word "information" to include photos as well as textual information that caused me some confusion.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012 at 4:06 PM - Response #11

Sorry, Mike. All the things I referenced in the attached image still look out of sync. I even refreshed the pages. Wink

Sunday, June 3, 2012 at 3:51 PM - Response #12

I just checked the legend box at the top of my "Classmate List" page. The number next to the "Contains Profile Information" has been restored from the erroneous number (822) back to the correct number (330), and the green check marks are now back to being placed next to only classmates or guests who are active members with actual profile information on their pages! To whomever is responsible for the correction.....thank you!


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