Monday, August 25, 2008 at 4:38 PM
Brad, I just got off the phone with 2 of the classmates for our high school, who insisted that they paid for the reunion already. But all I can find is that when they set up a profile they clicked the box that asked whether they were Attending Reunion: Yes No But they never went the extra step and paid for the tickets. Usually we will get an email from ClassCreator saying new registration. And an email from PayPal with the transaction receipt number. Which we did not. My question to you is ... Can there be some type of icon in the legend box showing a $ when someone has paid. It would serve as notification that they paid and also for others to see who actually is coming and not just planning on coming to the reunion. I like the man icon showing that they are attending the reunion. I just think it would be nice to actually have a icon for those who paid. Right now we are listing the names of those who have paid. Thank you....... again...... Terry