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Login Process Changed in Firefox and Edge

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 02/07/17 10:16 AM Views: 837 Replies: 8
Tuesday, February 7, 2017 at 10:16 AM
Login Screen.JPG

This morning I find that the login block on my Home Page has changed. I did follow the discussion concerning this same issue when using Chrome. I use Firefox with Windows 10 Edge as a backup.

Both of these browsers have changed to simply a red box with Login when you can select and are taken to another screen for input of the Login and Password, however when I did this and logged in, it did not save my login info so when I re-entered I had to input the information again.

My Classmates don't like changes like this, I'm sure most of them will have difficulty!!

Tuesday, February 7, 2017 at 12:10 PM - Response #1

Dave, I have a feeling you did not check the "Keep Me Logged In" box on the screen where you enter your email and password. I checked the box when logging in with Edge, then exited the site and went back in. I was still logged in. The log in process works as it should for me.

Edited 02/07/17 12:13 PM
Tuesday, February 7, 2017 at 3:02 PM - Response #2

Yes, the "Keep Me Logged In" checkbox is on the next screen where you enter your email and password.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017 at 4:03 PM - Response #3

The way I read the post: they did not see the 'saved' email/pw information and had to -type- the data in again. Yes, it could be that they did not check the "Keep" option, but that's a different thing.

The email/pw data is not related to the "Keep Me Logged In" checkbox. This is supplied by the browsers tracking of passwords only. So it should be there (if saved). Start to type the info and it should appear. Make sure the Save PW option is ENABLED in the browser. It can get reset with new versions.

As an aside, for some reason I've never had to check the "Keep Me Logged In" on FF and I never get logged out.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017 at 1:21 PM - Response #4

Thanks for the responses, I appreciate it.

Bottom line for me is that the home page has changed, why? Was there some overriding issue to change the home screen so that when you enter the link information to our website, the block for entering login information has changed to a Red "Sign In" box which is different than it has been for years.

I just want to understand why that change was necessary.

My Classmates are getting older and it's taken a lot of effort to get them comfortable with our site and to get used to either having their login information pre-populated as mine always is or at least the blocks were there to fill in their login information.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017 at 2:30 PM - Response #5

New chrome browser warning was implemented by Google for non https pages containing login/password box. Even though we posted that info to a secure page, Jack was correct in another post I read stating a hacker could potentially redirect the post page. We have never had as issue with this in our history, but given the new Chrome warning, not to mention other browsers will surely follow suit, we moved the login page after the new "Sign In" button where the page is secured by https. This was now done for all browsers, not just Chrome, and is a safer system than what we had previously.

Just FYI: After clicking the new Sign In button, note the page URL changes to instead of your own URL. After login it then changes back. This setup was the only choice we had short of asking every one of our Admins who have their own domain name to pay for their own private secure ID each year, which is rather pricey. I doubt most would want to pay this fee. Thus, the new login screen is secured by the Class Creator URL and secure ID, then goes back to your domain name as normal.

Edited 02/08/17 5:03 PM
Wednesday, February 8, 2017 at 2:46 PM - Response #6

Brad, thanks for your explanation. I appreciate the care you and the staff take to keep things running smoothly! The new sign in system works well.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017 at 3:11 PM - Response #7

Great to hear. Thank you!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017 at 3:12 PM - Response #8

I too appreciate the time taken to fully explain the reason for the change.

Thank You!!

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