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Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 10/04/19 07:09 PM Views: 436 Replies: 2
Friday, October 4, 2019 at 7:09 PM

WE are having a professional photographer do our reunion tomorrow.

I want to allow her access to the Photo Gallery
I added her as a new member and listed her on the class list

when she tries to register, she can't bc she doesn't have a password. I forget how to do this

Can anyone give me a quick fix

i don't even recall our system password


Friday, October 4, 2019 at 7:21 PM - Response #1

If you have everything locked down, you will need to give that person the system password to join your site. The system password if you don't remember it is located at the very bottom of your edit sitepages page. Click on change password and the old password will be revealed.

Friday, October 4, 2019 at 7:59 PM - Response #2

Scotty, Boy, You walk on water!

Thanks a Million!

Now while i have you it correct that altho classmates indicate bringing a guest and even the guest name .. when i go to print the Name Tags... all i will get is a Blank tag with the words Guest of and i have to fill the guest name in by hand?

Again .. Service when it is needed!

Go CC!!

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