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how to add red rose in memory to a profile

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 10/12/24 02:21 AM Views: 180 Replies: 3
Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 2:21 AM

As an administrator, how do I revise a classmate profile to indicate "in memory" with the red rose?

Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 3:08 AM - Response #1

If you're talking about creating an In Memory entry for a deceased classmate, under Admin Functions > Edit Site Pages > click on your In Memory page. In the box that says, "Select below", click on the name of the classmate you wish to add to In Memory, then click on Add Selected Deceased Classmate. After you complete and save the entry, the name of the classmate will be added to your In Memory page, and on the Classmate Profiles page, the red rose will appear next to the name.

To assist you, Class Creator has a video tutorial you may watch to see how to create an In Memory entry. Under Admin Functions > Help & Tips, click on Help Video Tutorials and scroll down to the video that says "How to add a site member to In Memory."

When you are done creating your In Memory entry, if you still don't see a red rose next to the name, then under Admin Functions > Edit Site Pages, for the Classmate Profiles page, click on Custom Icon and make sure the box with the red rose is checked.

Edited 10/12/24 3:16 AM
Friday, October 18, 2024 at 8:26 AM - Response #2

I have tried to do this.....why is this so difficult. No success

Friday, October 18, 2024 at 12:19 PM - Response #3

Hi Charlotte,

The red rose indicates there is something to see in the In Memory page - either an obituary link, copied in information in the editor like a copy of the obituary instead of just linking to an external one, additional photos or comments.

You only have a few that don't have that level of detail added. You can edit those to add something to them under

Admin Functions > Edit Site Pages > In Memory > Edit Page

The top of the page is the In Memory editor for the main In Memory page
below that is the area where you add in new entries
below that is all existing entries - you need to Edit those few without the rose to add in some details, links or photos or add a comment (note if you add a comment it would be on the live page - example: instead of the admin).

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