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New Member not showing

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 03/11/09 09:25 PM Views: 1182 Replies: 2
Wednesday, March 11, 2009 at 9:25 PM

I just clicked on the right hand column new members list and when it came up I got the page Are you___? Do you know __email? He has sent me a message from the site, so he has access (and is named on our list), but I can't get to his page from there.

Greenville High 64

Wednesday, March 11, 2009 at 11:41 PM - Response #1

I'm assuming you're talking about David. Only 1 of 2 things is possible here:

1) You updated David's information yourself, and selected the "Show as Profile Update" checkbox before saving. That would have shown David's name in the Profile Upates box even though he's never joined.

2) David tried to join, maybe only got part of the way through the member wizard, and something happened causing him to never create a site password. If David has no password, then his Profile will still show the "Join Here" message.

FYI, because your Profile is open to the public, anybody can email you -- not just your Classmates. Thus it's easily possible that David sent you an email even though he's still not a registered member of your web site.

Thursday, March 12, 2009 at 3:20 PM - Response #2

Thank you. He probably aborted in the middle.


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