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Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 09/09/10 12:56 PM Views: 1392 Replies: 2
Thursday, September 9, 2010 at 12:56 PM

I have recently made a classmate co-admin as she is recently retired. She is very bright and noticed that my logo and my title seemed redundant. Her idea was change one or the other, which I did. The problem with changing the logo is our high school has changed twice in 40 years and the original logos are long gone and I have used something fairly bland to not make it look like "today's logo". I can't change that unless I find something else, which I may!

She suggested using "Fairborn Flyers" in a different (italicized maybe?) font. I was able to change my title to Fairborn Flyers Class of 1971, thus eliminating the redundancy but I am not able to change that font within the template selected. Is there a way possibly to give us a little individuality there without too much complication from your end?

Just trying to give you some work!

Thursday, September 9, 2010 at 7:50 PM - Response #1

Click your Edit School/Logos link and you'll see how I put italics tags around your school name to make it appear italic.

What you can on these designs is fairly limited. Some cool new designs are coming with neat new options for customizability. We're in the middle of a huge system overhaul so we won't be starting them for several weeks. Should be available sometime in early winter approximately. Which is closer than it sounds, summer just slipped away when I wasn't looking.

Thursday, September 9, 2010 at 8:49 PM - Response #2

Thanks! I think it looks great!! I love you Brad Smile

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