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State Counts on Home Page

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 08/24/08 08:17 PM Views: 1248 Replies: 2
Sunday, August 24, 2008 at 8:17 PM

Before uploading our list, I had counted 224 class members who live in North Carolina. Our home page shows 220. I downloaded the list and looked for extraneous characters in all the ways I know how and could not find any. I asked Excel to count them and I counted them manually and again counted 224.

The only correlations I could come up with: There are 4 NC classmates that have the 5+4 zip code. And, very far fetched, there are 4 others who live in Raleigh and 4 others who live in Hickory.

Any thoughts???

I didn't put this in the "Bugs" discussion as it may be purely something I did in uploading the data.


Sunday, August 31, 2008 at 11:01 AM - Response #1

FYI we'll figure this out, just haven't gotten to this yet.

Sunday, August 31, 2008 at 11:52 AM - Response #2

Your update prompted me to go back and check a theory that popped in a couple of days ago... It proved to be true!

We still have the address of 4 NC classmates who recently passed away. My counts included those 4! Thus, to prevent further confusion, I'm about to remove the addresses.

Thanks for the inspiration to check on it.


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