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Searching Brad's email

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 03/16/14 01:15 PM Views: 1112 Replies: 5
Sunday, March 16, 2014 at 1:15 PM

Hello Kyle/CC weekend staff

I can't find Brad's email : on what to send to class regarding Class APP/FB launch date March 16. Was that in with another announcement? Thank you.


Sunday, March 16, 2014 at 3:28 PM - Response #1

Here is a complete copy of the official Class Connection launch email that will be going out tomorrow:

The new Class Connection Facebook app is LIVE!

Here's what to do next:

1) Click your Preferences link and enable the Class Connection app (second option from the top). Press Save.

2) Click the "Class Connection" link under your MEMBER FUNCTIONS and join the app yourself.

3) Use your "Email the Class" function to invite your classmates to Class Connection.

Below is an email you can modify to your liking and copy and paste to your classmates:

copy message below this line

I have great news today for our classmates on Facebook! You can now do all of the things you can do on our class web site from inside Facebook. It's called Class Connection, and you'll find it's very simple to join and use. Follow these 3 quick steps to get connected:

1) Log into our class web site at $homepagelink$.

2) Click the "Class Connection" link under Member Functions.

3) On the Class Connection Join Screen click the blue "Join Class" button and accept the app permissions.

That's it - you're Facebook connected!

There are some exciting new features available here such as the ability to send your Notify Me notices to the Facebook notification globe. You can use the Easy Invite tool to help us find missing classmates and invite them to join our class. Class Connection also provides a Visit Another Class feature that allows you to browse around other classes.

Here's a few important things you should know:

Everything you do on Class Connection is mirrored on our class web site. Everything you do on our class web site is mirrored on Class Connection. I.E. they work as one. Class Connection is just a convenient method of participating with our class from the Facebook environment.

Class Connection is 100% as private and secure as our class web site. No personal/private data whatsoever is shared with Facebook. The Class Connection developers made an overview video about the topic of privacy here:

Your Profile privacy settings are honored on Class Connection. Only the people who you're already permitted to view your Profile are the same people who can view your Profile using Class Connection. Click Edit Profile if you wish to review these settings.

TIP: For quick access to Class Connection add to Facebook Favorites. See example here:

I hope you enjoy this new Facebook connection for our class!

end copy above this line

Thank you to all who helped us reach this significant goal! I hope you and your classmates enjoy the new Class Connection Facebook app.

Edited 03/16/14 3:46 PM
Sunday, March 16, 2014 at 4:15 PM - Response #2

Great ! Thank you so much.

Sunday, March 16, 2014 at 5:10 PM - Response #3


I know Monday is official announcement via my email the class. Does that mean Monday morning, or do I have to wait until Midnight? Smile

Not that I am anxious or anything..............

Edited 03/16/14 5:10 PM
Sunday, March 16, 2014 at 6:12 PM - Response #4

Hah! You can actually go ahead and announce any time now. I'm sure you see we're still working heavily on the app. There's quite a few adjustments and improvements I still want to make in here, but at some point ya gotta launch. Smile Both Class Creator and Class Connection will only get better from here. New Event Planner about to launch on both, and What's New page coming to Class Creator shortly.

Sunday, March 16, 2014 at 6:16 PM - Response #5

Brad you're the best !!!

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