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Connect a form to an email blast

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 12/17/10 05:16 PM Views: 1463 Replies: 1
Friday, December 17, 2010 at 5:16 PM

I understand January 1 CC automatically does an email blast to my complete database requesting that classmates update their profile. I'd like to include a form or packet of information with that email soliciting ads for our memory/souvenir book. Please tell me if I can and if so, how.

Saturday, December 18, 2010 at 1:56 AM - Response #1

Click your Preferences link. You can edit the New Year's email there. It can also be deactivated for those who don't wish to send it. Some Admins choose to deactivate the stock email and send their own with graphics and other things using the regular Email The Class feature. The turn of the year is a very good time to bring Classmates back to the site who may not have logged in for awhile.

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