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Statistics available for more than 30 days ?

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 07/21/10 12:06 PM Views: 1307 Replies: 3
Wednesday, July 21, 2010 at 12:06 PM

Hi, Brad --

We enjoy the new Statistics for messages sent between Classmates. I especially enjoy that it can be set for a date range, and can go back to the beginning, when I started the website. The displayed info can be put into Excel by cutting-and-pasting into a spreadsheet as text, and then moving the column of message numbers up one row to be alongside the dates, then sorting to get rid of the extra rows. OR -- you could have an option of a text display.

My real question is: Do the statistics exist for dates older than 30 days ago ?
With our Reunion just 79 days away, we are seeing an increase in our daily views. I'd like to know if we broke our old record, but I don't know what our highest number has been.

We now have approx. 57% of all non-deceased classmates registered on the website. If everyone who SAID they were going to sign up (via our phone calls to them) actually did sign up, we'd have about 70%. Interesting to me is that TWO-THIRDS of the people on the website have visited in the past 30 days. That shows real interest.

Let me know if stats are available that go back 6 months or so.

Thanks !

-- Fred

Wednesday, July 21, 2010 at 12:51 PM - Response #1

I think we can do this, submitting to Programming. Hopefully we can just put a date range selector above the Classmates accessing site in the last 30 days chart, very much like what we just did with the Classmate to Classmate email chart.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010 at 1:53 PM - Response #2

Thanks, Brad.
Any chance that you could collect and send me the raw data for my class ? If it's easy for you I'd appreciate it; if it's anything more than a minute or two, don't bother. It's just for my own curiosity.

Thanks !
-- Fred

Wednesday, July 21, 2010 at 4:53 PM - Response #3

Hang tight, I think we can work this into the system shortly and you'll be able to see all of your data.

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