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Pasting a Word or PDF Doc into a Class Email

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 08/10/15 11:56 AM Views: 947 Replies: 4
Monday, August 10, 2015 at 11:56 AM

I want to send an email to all classmates. Can I paste the content for the email from either a WORD or PDF document? When I try to paste either format nothing appears. The content includes pictures and text.

Edited 08/10/15 1:00 PM
Monday, August 10, 2015 at 2:12 PM - Response #1

Uploading a non image document to the File Vault...

You first need to upload the document to the file vault and then link to it. To upload a non image documents to the File Vault, locate any page that has an Editor Window, such as by going to EMail The Class > Compose A Message.

1. What I typically do first is decide on where my link will be and what my link phrase will say. Type the link phrase into the editor window and use your cursor to highlight the phrase.

2. On the Editor Window, look Link button (2nd row, 3rd from right). Click the Link button and the Link window will appear. Click the Browse / Choose File button and locate your file on your computer. Once selected, press the Open / Select button and then you will need to click the Upload button to the right. The window should close, leaving your link phrase blue and underlined. This means that it is linked, however to test the link you must save the page and go to the actual page of the site to click the link.

You should now be able to send yourself a test email and test the link. The document should open when you click the link.

Monday, August 10, 2015 at 3:39 PM - Response #2

I have had success by composing in Word*, then saving as a .txt

I then copy the verbiage and paste it into the email, announcement, etc. - so far, no problems doing it this way, and pretty simple too.

*-I do this because of the spell and grammar check feature!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015 at 10:03 AM - Response #3


Had considered the approach you describe but first wanted to determine if I could copy content to the email editor intact and without having to use a link. From what you know it appears the link option is my only solution?

Thanks for your help!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015 at 10:05 AM - Response #4


Unfortunately the "txt" format does not handle pictures so it doesn't work in my situation. Thanks for your response, though.

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