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Losing alumni due to excessive e-mails

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 05/09/12 09:48 AM Views: 1512 Replies: 7
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 at 9:48 AM

Is there any way that e-mails about birthdays cannot go out to alumni. I have had many alumni asking to be removed from the site because they are getting to many e-mails about birthdays. Please help. We don't want to lose members.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012 at 9:51 AM - Response #1

Tell them to go to PROFILE SUBSCRIPTIONS and unselect all of the classmates they are currently subscribed to. This can only be done by the classmate and not by the admin.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012 at 10:17 AM - Response #2

I agree, but for many of our older alumni, this is a real challenge, too. Because we had so many of these, I've begun to go in, change their password, do what you suggest and then tell them that I've had to change their password. There should be an easy way for an admin to handle this which I've asked for several times. I'd also like to see that noted in each alumni's profile so that it's easy to tell if that might be the problem. I also requested the ability to get a list of those alumni who have (often mistakenly) chosen this, so that I could email these folks and let them know how to turn this off and possibly head off the problem we now have with many of our nearly 6000+ alumnus with email who have stopped accepting mail through the site.

The problem is not with the users, of course, but with the design of the profile subscription. Though the programmers at ClassCreator have made some changes to the wording on that page, it's still far too easy to click on that subscribe button regardless of what it says. As one alum mentioned to me, intuitively when you make some selection of alums you want to follow, clicking on a "subscribe" button seems natural. I've asked several times if that can be fixed in a much better way. At one point I was told that the "new" version of the software would handle this much differently. I'm still waiting for this new version for about a year now.

Perhaps if enough of us nicely complain, we can get this to change. Maybe these changes can happen including being able to get a list of those who have chosen to no longer receive mail who have that turned on. This is a nice feature for a small class but even for a class of one or several thousands as can easily happen in a single class in a large urban area, this birthday greeting thing and also the information on every person's change of profile get old and irritating very fast.

I hope Kyle and the rest can help us out on this.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012 at 10:35 AM - Response #3

This problem will most likely partially go away when the new "Notify Me" is released (it is the next new feature to be released).

Wednesday, May 9, 2012 at 11:12 AM - Response #4

I have a membership with Jacquie and send out birthday cards to the Birthday receipient only....
That way not everyone gets another email. I try and limit my emails to our upcoming 50th and do a Sunday countdown with any other info I have to impart... I also make a new page available every week to keep them coming back.


Wednesday, May 9, 2012 at 12:50 PM - Response #5

This is terrific news - when this update comes out, will I be able to create a list of those who have requested no email along with their profile subscription profile so I can contact them and maybe get them to reinstate their no-email status (in fact, how would we do that in any case)? Thanks

Wednesday, May 9, 2012 at 1:02 PM - Response #6

The talk around here is to take everyone who has turned on the "Notify Off Flag" and reset that flag so that they will have to choose that again.

When "Notify Me" is released, all e-mails from the system will have a link at the bottom saying something like "to unsubscribe, click this link". When they click the link, they will be taken to the "Notify Me" page and can then choose which features they want to unsubscribe to.\

PROFILE SUBSCRIPTIONS will then be handled a little different. Instead of one e-mail per classmate having a birthdate, there will be only ONE EMAIL per day (depending if you are subscribed to Notify Me) which will include a section about "Birthdays", a section about "Profile Updates", and a section about "Website Changes" (new announcements, home page changes, etc.). I don't have ALL THE DETAILS, but that is what it is supposed to be like. If there is nothing to notify you about, you won't get an e-mail

Wednesday, May 9, 2012 at 3:51 PM - Response #7

I consider letting an admin have access to a classmate's subscriptions would be a gross invasion of privacy. There may be problems that certain individuals run into because they are not computer literate but those can be handled by explaining the sytem and coaching that particular individual.

I personally have had no one in my class indicate they were having a problem in this regard. If anyone would be expected to have computer illiterate classmates I think I would qualify. The youngest member of our class is 71.

Edited 05/10/12 3:55 PM
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