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adding a custom page?

Forums: Questions and Answers About Building Your Site
Created on: 01/02/10 11:08 PM Views: 1458 Replies: 3
Saturday, January 2, 2010 at 11:08 PM

When I've established a custom page, all have been didactic. Not interactive.

Can I had comment boxes etc for telling stories pertaining to a specific subject? For example, rather than put veterans' stories in the forum sections, I want them to have a special section that allows them to write of their experiences serving their country. Then would ask that others be able to respond to them. Is there the means within this system to do that?

For example, the comments and reply sections available under the profiles give the class that capacity. I want to transfer that to the new section under customization. Thank you.

Jesse Collins

Saturday, January 2, 2010 at 11:38 PM - Response #1


I understand the question, but I'm just wondering, why not use the user forums? That's exactly what they were designed for. I.E. you would set up a unique forum called "Veterans Stories" where people could post new Items and then everyone could respond below. Unless there's something I'm missing the forums are exactly what you need. Plus you also get all of the other things that come along with real forums, such as the ability to subscribe to things via email which many people utilize and enjoy. It definitely beats having to check back in regularly just to see if anyone has responded. If you want you can even create a new Customizable Links page called "Veterans Stories" and then just forward that page directly to your Veterans Forums. This way you get a custom link on your left navigation panel called "Veterans Stories". Let me know if you're interested in doing that and I'll teach you how to set up the forward.

If there's some reason you're not wanting to use the user forums can you explain what you are attempting to do differently?

Edited 01/02/10 11:40 PM
Sunday, January 3, 2010 at 3:24 PM - Response #2

Hello and thank you.

You made two points. In one of them you asked was their a reason for wanting to do this section differently, thus not creating it in the forums.

To the latter, the forums interface is more "mechanically" structured. This material deserves a more ontological approach where the information shared has considerable and profound meaning to all. Often, stories are descriptions of Veterans lost or wounded in combat and are submitted by family members. For example, your memories section endeavors to provide that kind of layout where art enhances the descriptions and etc. So I think of it as a combined web and database design with a links capacity type of page with the ability to place photos and other memorabilia into the framework. In other words, I was seeking a layout that lends itself to more creative expression in the decor. The kinds of images of items left at the base of the Vietnam memorial provides another example of layout notions.

Regarding your second point, I accept you offer to teach me how to link the menu navigation item to the forum of choice. I will use that model until something else akin to my description presents itself.

Again thank you for your response.


Jesse (Skip) Collins

Monday, January 4, 2010 at 2:53 AM - Response #3

Ontological...getting out dictionary. Cool Ok great, that was an extremely well stated response and I get it. Until there's something that better meets your specific needs you might want to consider using that refresh page as a page to create a nice layout and describe the purpose, etc., and then link it off to the forums. Or of course you could create a similar page right in an initial forum post itself -- you have the same editor in both places so there's nothing you can do on a regular site page that you can't do right within an initial forum post. Go ahead and get your forums set up and then let me know if you'd simply like to link from one page to another, which you can do right now very easily, or if you'd like to create the seamless refresh I mentioned and have the navigational link jump direclty into your forum.

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