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Looking to add two blocks of text to profiles

Forums: Questions and Answers About Building Your Site
Created on: 02/21/10 02:33 PM Views: 1319 Replies: 2
Sunday, February 21, 2010 at 2:33 PM

for our 25th reunion, about half the class provided little essays "What have you been doing since 1964?" I would like to scan and include those essays in their profiles, before I announce the site - but I do not see a way to make them stand out. We will be inviting our classmates to do this again as we approach our 50th reunion - so for many people, there will be two updates, one for 1989 and the other for 2010. I suppose i can just put a Sub header into that single Comments field -- any other suggestions for differentiating the two "watcha been up to?" blocks of text?



Edited 02/21/10 2:35 PM
Sunday, February 21, 2010 at 5:49 PM - Response #1

Very good question Dorothy! I don't think anyone has ever asked it before, thanks for raising it.

There is no built-in method in Profile Generator for making one question stand out any more than any other question. Profile Generator boils down to nothing other than a form generator, where you're able to add questions, answers, radio buttons and checkboxes, etc. It's pretty basic form stuff.

Having said that though, one thing to keep in mind with Profile Generator (and many other areas of the Class Creator system) is you can put in code to pull in images, third party objects, etc. You can do this same thing with Profile Generator. For example, try doing this:

1) Click Profile Generator.

2) Add a custom question.

3) After your question in the same white box that contains your question, press the Enter key so the cursor is blinking on a new line, and then copy and paste this exact code below:

4) Go to your own Edit Profile page and answer your new test question. (It's important you actually answer the question or the entire question will not display at all on your Profile.)

5) Now view your Profile live.

What you'll see now is you've got a little smily guy winkin' at ya that draws extra attention to that particular question. Smile Obviously you proably don't want to add a smiley face to your custom questions, but this same technique will work for pulling in any image, third party object, etc. There's a zillion things all over the Internet you could add. You could even add your own image or animation to your File vault and pull that in -- it doesn't have to be something third party.

So, this technique probably isn't for beginners, as knowning some code and things can be helpful, but it's really not very difficult either. My best advice if you want to do this is choose a small image or object to embed. If you embed something really large in Profile Generator you run the risk of throwing off the formatting of all Classmate Profiles.

Let me know if you want to do something like this and I'd be happy to assist.

Edited 02/21/10 5:57 PM
Sunday, February 21, 2010 at 6:52 PM - Response #2

Here's another option for ya, as I run a multiple class site. What I did to show special attention to each class I simply gave them there own page. But yo could do the same for the essay's 'Class Essays' I did this by opening up a survey -- entered my content and then saved, Note I did not ask any questions I just put class information. Viola!

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