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Forums: Questions and Answers About Building Your Site
Created on: 04/22/11 03:02 PM Views: 1599 Replies: 15
Friday, April 22, 2011 at 3:02 PM

Is it possible to create a 3rd forum, just for posting and chatting about our upcoming reunion? I want to make this simple for classmates. I don't want to just add "reunion" as a topic in what we call our High Life Forum as classmates already seem intimidated by all the topics. Our "Message Forum" is just a hodgepodge of stuff so it doesn't seem to work either, as stuff will get lost.

So, can I create a new forum, and if so, how?

Edited 04/22/11 3:03 PM
Friday, April 22, 2011 at 3:51 PM - Response #1

Have you seen the help video for How To Set Up Your User Forums? This should be what you are looking for.

Friday, April 22, 2011 at 3:51 PM - Response #2

Have you seen the video for How To Set Up Your User Forums?

Friday, April 22, 2011 at 4:49 PM - Response #3

I just watched the video but that is not what I meant. We already have a User Forum which includes a number of "forums." (That double use of the word forum is so confusing.) I was wanting to set up a new Forum outside of this, not just add another forum within it. I wanted it to show on the sidebar as a stand-alone Reunion Forum. Is that possible?

Friday, April 22, 2011 at 5:38 PM - Response #4

NO, it isn't possible. There is only one forum, the USER FORUMS. You can have several different TOPICS in the User Forums, but there can only be one left-side link that is the forum area.

Friday, April 22, 2011 at 5:57 PM - Response #5

Thanks, Scott. That's what I thought but it never hurts to ask.

Friday, April 22, 2011 at 6:19 PM - Response #6

I'm Kyle. The other guy was Scott.

Friday, April 22, 2011 at 6:38 PM - Response #7

Oops, I'm sorry. Thanks to you both for getting me a quick answer.

Friday, April 22, 2011 at 6:53 PM - Response #8

That's fine, no offense taken. Scott's a good guy. You're welcome.

Friday, April 22, 2011 at 11:14 PM - Response #9

I know the experts have spoken, but I had a thought, Carolyn. No, it did not hurt!

There is a Message Forum where you have multiple topics and threads and I believe that that is the what you are using now.

My thoughts:

1. Set up a thread in that forum for the reunion and then put a direct link from the top of your homepage in big letters like "Click here to read reunion discussions!" Big and visible and right at the top!

2. There is also the original forum listed under edit pages that is just straight line forum with no topics/threads. You can add an intro message. Now the link says Message Forum, but do the same thing as above with the giant link! Our age group doesn't read the links on the left anyway.

3. Create a fake classmate called Reunion and put something appropriate with a kick of humor on the profile and let them use the comment section. Again, link in giant red letters from the homepage!

Hm, maybe CC should allow us to change the name of that single thread forum.

Hm, can both forums run at the same time?

Food for thought....Margaret

Saturday, April 23, 2011 at 1:00 AM - Response #10

Hello everyone,

Rather than meeting online once every month or two, any chance of having a place within our forum, or nearby it, where any administrator could potentially at anytime chat online, in realtime, with other admins from around North America or the world via

Edited 04/23/11 1:03 AM
Saturday, November 1, 2014 at 3:52 PM - Response #11

Is it still not possible to set up a second forum? We need to separate the mixed subjects from the genealogy a few want to discuss. The majority want the forum to be a mix, and the few want genealogy discussions kept in another category. How would I set it up so I would have a page that works like the message forum, separating each posting with the contributors picture?
Sorry, Embarassed probably missed the answer somewhere along the way, so please help Question before they hunt me down and tar and feather me.
Thanks, Sheila

Saturday, November 1, 2014 at 7:27 PM - Response #12

Sounds like a good idea, Gary. Copy and paste your idea in a new thread with the topic. Include what type of chat you are considering? Is is Live Chat, which is available on TAP, or another type of chat? Does it have the option of a chat log or not? Do attendees have to log in to participate? These are all things one needs to consider on the topic among others. Good luck.

Saturday, November 1, 2014 at 7:38 PM - Response #13

LOL Now look at me... replying to a THREE YEAR OLD post! I did it... did not look at the date before replying.

Saturday, November 1, 2014 at 8:50 PM - Response #14

Hi Sheila,

When you started your site, you had a Message Forum and a User Forum. You have renamed these as such:
Message Forum: Come Sit...
User Forum: this is where your Prayer List is found.

I would suggest using the section where your Prayer List is located. As the Prayer List has nothing in it, that would be recommended.

If you need something to take the place of the Prayer List where others can input as in the Message Forum (your "Come Sit... page), there is a 3rd party form you can make and add to a new page to solve that. That would be on

Sheila Wommack wrote:

Is it still not possible to set up a second forum? We need to separate the mixed subjects from the genealogy a few want to discuss. The majority want the forum to be a mix, and the few want genealogy discussions kept in another category. How would I set it up so I would have a page that works like the message forum, separating each posting with the contributors picture?
Sorry, Embarassed probably missed the answer somewhere along the way, so please help Question before they hunt me down and tar and feather me.
Thanks, Sheila

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