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Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 09/08/10 11:18 AM Views: 1733 Replies: 9
Wednesday, September 8, 2010 at 11:18 AM

Sorry if this has already been posted/answered, if so, I couldn't find it. I'm having a "senior moment", I thought when the block was checked on one's profile, to restrict access to other classmates only, that a "padlock" icon appeared by the classmate's name on the "Classmate Profile" page. And, I think this prevents Google searches from finding that person and non-registered users from viewing their profile. The reason I'm asking is I've created a site for another class and the "padlock" icon is not appearing and causing concern with one of the classmates. I tried it on my profile and had the same problem, no "padlock" icon. I hope this question is "clearer than mud". Smile

Wednesday, September 8, 2010 at 11:19 AM - Response #1

The PADLOCK ICON only appears when logged out. Try logging out first, then click on your Classmate Profile page and you will see which profiles are protected and which ones are not protected.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010 at 11:30 AM - Response #2

Kyle, we're not going to be able to put up with such slow responses to our inquiries. It took you almost 60 seconds to give me an answer to my question.

Wow, y'all really set the bar at the highest level for customer service. If only other companies were as competent! Thank You!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010 at 11:34 AM - Response #3

Sorry, I'll try to do better next time.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010 at 11:56 AM - Response #4

Smile CC is just the best I've ever seen in customer service, etc. I accidently learned of your service and since joining have added a 2nd class myself and made another aware of CC who added a 3rd class.

Am just really pleased with CC! Does that get me on the payroll? Smile Remember, I'm from Louisiana, we're accustomed to payoffs/bribes, corruption, etc. Sad

Just my inept way of again saying thanks!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010 at 12:14 PM - Response #5

Doesn't sound inept to me, I think we see more eye to eye than you'd imagine! We accept bribes here! The programmers can and do work for baked goods and bribes of all kinds. We have to have a little corruption around this place, at least we admit it. Smile

Wednesday, September 8, 2010 at 1:34 PM - Response #6

Hey..all this talk reminds me of my Hometown..ChiTown..we are notorious for to play..etc etc. The whole state of Illinois is corrupt. It's so much fun living in this state!!! Rolling EyesTwisted EvilTwisted Evil
Hey..Brad..I still owe you that pan of Double Chocolate Brownies..on my list to do!!! WinkWink

Wednesday, September 8, 2010 at 2:34 PM - Response #7


Notice how L O N G it took for Brad to chime in? It seems to me this is a new record for him as well. Kyle just about has to be a mind reader or talking on the phone with you, in order to respond that quickly. I've seen him do this several times. In fact I've wondered if maybe he has some kind of "time machine" where he can go back 10 minutes from a posting. Eegads, Kyle slow down and smell the roses why don't youRazz Exclamation

Now what I've been wondering -- Brad, did you ever get to even "taste" that Canadian Maple Syrup? You see, Darlene if Brad didn't get a "taste" (like did those programmers save him any), then sending Brad those chocolate brownies may never see the light of day. So the bottom line Kyle, Brad, Darlene and Bill is TIMING IS EVERYTHINGLaughing with this site! Me--I'm not going to say How Great CC is anymore, but right now I'm in Seaside OR that sells something that it is famous for and hopefully next week you will be receiving a little package via Priority US mail that everyone should be enjoying. Kyle send me a PM with your mailing/shipping address and you too shall get a package! (I mean it)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010 at 2:49 PM - Response #8

You gotta luv John C. CC ROCKS!!!

BTW..My hubby and I looked at 5th wheels..thinking of traveling the USA for about a year after he retires hopefully next year. Any feedback??? Email me personally.
Will chat with you soon,

Wednesday, September 8, 2010 at 4:46 PM - Response #9

Webmaster Darlene wrote:

BTW..My hubby and I looked at 5th wheels..thinking of traveling the USA for about a year after he retires hopefully next year. Any feedback??? Email me personally.
Will chat with you soon,

Will do later this evening Darlene.

Kyle, Thanks!

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