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Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 03/07/22 10:22 AM Views: 3401 Replies: 1
Monday, March 7, 2022 at 10:22 AM

After nearly nineteen years* of using CC, I just realized that in the SUBJECT line of Private Messages to members, the spellcheck does not work, but it does in the 'body' of the message.
Possibility of correcting this?
*-I guess I have been lucky all these years!

Monday, March 7, 2022 at 11:01 AM - Response #1

Spell check seems to work for me in both the Subject line and the body of the message. I just typed "helllo" in both places and a red line appeared below the word, indicating incorrect spelling.

Follow-up comment: You have to be on the Subject line in order to see the red underline, indicating a misspelled word. Once you go to the Message section, the red underline on the subject line under "helllo" disappears. This may be why you think spell check isn't working. Just go back to the subject line and you'll see the red underline come back.

Edited 03/07/22 4:47 PM
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