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Collecting domain fees next 10 years

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 09/30/23 01:48 AM Views: 228 Replies: 1
Saturday, September 30, 2023 at 1:48 AM

Hi everyone! Want to come up with the best way to collect the next 10 yrs domain fees for our class website. $364 total. PayPal charges each donation with a fee. So how does everyone else do it? Really don't want to involve any of my personal accts.
Thank you for your anticipated responses!

Saturday, September 30, 2023 at 10:51 AM - Response #1

My co-administrator and I pay all the fees out of our personal funds, including the cost of our subscription, domain name, and secure certificates. At one of our reunions, we had a donation jar for our class site, and used money collected to reimburse ourselves. In lieu of a donation jar, you could add a few dollars to the reunion ticket cost and reimburse yourself.

Edited 09/30/23 12:07 PM
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