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Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 04/20/20 09:33 AM Views: 441 Replies: 3
Monday, April 20, 2020 at 9:33 AM

I am finally getting ready to do our yearbook project. We need to put 1925 to current (94 years) online. Some of these are in PDF most are in jpeg. Does anyone know how I can create a pdf from about 300 files? I have tried to do this by selecting all and printing to PDF but it blow up before it gets done.

Monday, April 20, 2020 at 1:21 PM - Response #1

Hi --
I had a project like this about 10 years ago. I used on-line apps that will combine multiple PDFs into a single PDF. One program that does is:
but I cannot vouch for that site particularly. A google search will yield a variety of websites that offer to combine PDF files.

When I did it, I could only do 6 or 8 at a time, so it was a procedure like: PDFs Numbers 1-6 into a new file called A1, then 7-12 into A2, then 13-18 into A3, etc... and then combine A1 + A2 + A3, etc into B1, and so forth.

The question that comes up is: Why do you need all the files combined into a single PDF? Is the reason to have a single large PDF to give to the printer?

You can put also your yearbooks on-line at if you want.

Monday, April 20, 2020 at 1:34 PM - Response #2

I think I need these in a pdf because I am not sure if I could load these a jpegs. Not really sure. I do know that when you combine that many jpegs the pdf file will be huge.
If I do 6 or 8 at a time then I have approx 300 per YB and approx 75 YB = 22,500 / 8 = 2,812 then have to combine all of them. Gotta be a better way. I think I am missing something?

Monday, April 20, 2020 at 7:27 PM - Response #3

Not sure I understand what you are trying to do.
Are you talking about senior photos? Or stories?

I have posted over 87,000 photos and stories on the seven high school sites I maintain.
Give me a call.

Jim Champaigne
Elkhart, Indiana
cell (574) 361-3472

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