To create a colored border around some text, I created a table with 1 column, 1 row. I then went into the html source code and set the bordercolor of the table to "orange". That turned out great. Then I typed the text in the table cell. The text is right against the colored border. Ugh! I would like to see some while space around the text. Does anyone know how to do that? Thanks.
Thursday, September 24, 2009 at 3:24 PM - Response #2
Thanks Brad. I tried that at first but only used a value of 4 pix. I should have realized that would not be enough. When I changed the padding to 15, it was just what I wanted.
Thursday, September 24, 2009 at 7:42 PM - Response #3
In order to change the color of my table border, I click on the source button and then what? I am a fast learner if someone can teach me where exactly do I put in the color or do I use the code such as #CCFF00? Any help will be appreciated.
Thursday, September 24, 2009 at 7:57 PM - Response #4
Dawn Estep wrote:
In order to change the color of my table border, I click on the source button and then what? I am a fast learner if someone can teach me where exactly do I put in the color or do I use the code such as #CCFF00? Any help will be appreciated.
Here is an HTML tutorial, specifically bordercolors
Thursday, September 24, 2009 at 8:12 PM - Response #6
Does it matter where you put
? The tutorial is hard to understand. I wish that Class Creator had an easy tutorial for dummies! I have not had any problems learning anything in here until I got to the TABLES...then it was like this big crash!
Thursday, September 24, 2009 at 8:21 PM - Response #7
Dawn Estep wrote:
Does it matter where you put
? The tutorial is hard to understand. I wish that Class Creator had an easy tutorial for dummies! I have not had any problems learning anything in here until I got to the TABLES...then it was like this big crash!
Dawn...if you have already created the table, look for the table in the source view. Then add the value bordercolor="orange" (note that bordercolor is all one word) anywhere within the tag (before the last > each value is separated by a single space.
You can access a gazillion html tutorials of all levels of difficulty just by googling anything you might be trying to do, for instance search for: html table border color
P.S. the editor will probably rearrange your values within the tag to a way it likes better...don't worry about that, it doesn't matter what the order is.
Friday, September 25, 2009 at 8:18 AM - Response #9
Hi Dawn,
I assume the excellent replies by everyone has helped you and you have been successful with your table border. Just a comment or two. First, when you go to table properties, make sure you give the border some width by increasing the border size. Then go into the source view and look for the code that identifies the table. You should see
. I put mine after BORDER=10.
If you have more than 1 table on your page, the trick is finding the correct code for the table you want to change.
Friday, September 25, 2009 at 12:44 PM - Response #10
Joyce Wood wrote:
Insert the code BORDERCOLOR="#CCFF00" anyplace between
. I put mine after BORDER=10.
The above is incorrect. I'm sure what Joyce meant to say is to insert the code bordercolor="#ccff00" anywhere within the opening tag ie, between
and the final > of the opening tag.
is the closing tag and comes after all the cells, ending the table code.
table data goes here (text or images, etc.)
note: cellpadding, as well as all other values, are optional within the opening table tag. I only added it in the above example to show where the bordercolor value might go.
Saturday, September 26, 2009 at 1:36 PM - Response #11
Thank you all so much for your help - that really makes a difference understanding the whole concept. My only problem now is I'm probably going to have all these tables on my website now that I've learned how to do it!
OK. I know this is a very old thread...and I know I've done this before but I can't seen to get it right. I want ONLY a colored table border - I do not want borders on the cells within the table. Attached is what tht first part of my source looks like now. (finally got it!)