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Auto Birthday Wishes Email

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 02/14/14 11:45 AM Views: 829 Replies: 8
Friday, February 14, 2014 at 11:45 AM

I think that I have brought this up before but is anything in the works that would allow a Happy Birthday canned email to be sent to our classmates that have a birthday coming up. Like the welcome letter that goes out automatically when some signs up our site.

Friday, February 14, 2014 at 1:45 PM - Response #1

I would like this if the message was sent the day of the birthday, and if the administrator could change the message once a year.

I currently send everyone a private email message on the day of their birthday.

I tried sending everyone a different message, but I'm not that creative and it turned out to be more work than I wanted, so that's why I use the same message for a year.


Friday, February 14, 2014 at 2:22 PM - Response #2

I keep bringing it up. I want it. But there is a lot of opposition to it. I ssy we need it and that it should have an on/off switch so admin can choose to use it or not.

Sunday, February 16, 2014 at 11:59 AM - Response #3

This request has come up from time to time. Some of us liked the idea since we're doing it now manually and there's always a chance we'll miss someone. Others didn't think much of the idea.
The last I heard, it was somewhere on the mysterious and invisible 'wish list', much of which gets bypassed and delayed as other projects consume available resources.

Thursday, February 20, 2014 at 8:04 PM - Response #4

Possibly download the name details and the birth date into an Excel spreadsheet and set up a daily macro to match the month and day and to automatically send an email message.

Need to probably know visual basic to do this.

Thursday, February 20, 2014 at 8:31 PM - Response #5

I realize that ClassCreator has a lot on it's plate right now with two big roll-outs plus all of the current things on our wish list.

I want them to concentrate on the big issues, and although I started this thread I would rather wait till they could come up with a module that would give us more flexiblility with auto emails and expanded reports based on using system $Varibles$. With a module like that we could pretty much do whatever we need to do, For ourselves.

Friday, February 21, 2014 at 12:38 PM - Response #6

I have submitted this in the past, and realize 'the back burner' can get overloaded sometimes.
This year, my schedule and commitments have caused me to stop sending the birthday greetings to my classmates.
Waiting in the wings on this one.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014 at 5:15 PM - Response #7

I think the present system works reasonably well. When I create an "email the class" greeting, it is saved to file. When the next year rolls around, I call up the old file, change the date, revise the old greeting and I am done. One additional thing that we do is everyone's picture is on the greeting, uploaded from the file vault, it makes it very interesting. We have an average of 7 visitors a day, and 26,900 since our site was created on December 11, 2009. A canned response is like playing a note out of tune in a great orchestra, the distortion makes everything sound flat. If you keep a few old Birthday cards around as samples, warm, passionate greetings can be generated instantly, there is no need to waste time and reinvent the wheel.

Thursday, March 27, 2014 at 1:59 PM - Response #8

Just my 2 cents
I think this needs to be moved to the front burner.
I looked back and I brought this up in 2010Confused
Knowing me, I probably brought it up in 2008Rolling Eyes

We have had 2 alums pass this past year and time is flying by.
With the amount of alums it is not possible for me to send out a personal message to each one.
We all know that they are truly appreciated by those that receive them.

I agree, a 'canned' message every year is impersonal, so like the other generated messages, let the admins be able to change them and periodically they will be kept freshExclamation

Edited 03/27/14 2:03 PM
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