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Subscription length

Forums: Questions and Answers About Building Your Site
Created on: 01/22/24 07:21 AM Views: 244 Replies: 3
Monday, January 22, 2024 at 7:21 AM

Can we order a subscription length longer than three years.? on the domain name I see it is available for up to 10 years even though the price does not get to any less. Website subscription is only available for up to three years. We would like to do at least five.

Monday, January 22, 2024 at 4:25 PM - Response #1

A few years ago you could add additional time to your subscription in up to 5 and even 10 year increments, at a substantial discount. We took advantage of that to extend our subscription out to 2038. Now the subscription extension limit is 3 years per extension. You can extend your subscription as far into the future as you wish, but in no more than three year increments at a time.

Clearly, limiting an extension to three years instead of ten is a smart business decision by Class Creator, ensuring they will not lose money if inflation shoots up. I feel the pricing scheme is justified and that the cost per year for an extension is a bargain for what we get.

Just do as many three year extensions, back-to-back, to get your subscription as far out into the future as you wish.

Edited 01/22/24 4:38 PM
Monday, January 22, 2024 at 5:11 PM - Response #2

Thank you for the reply.
Could it be that Class Creator is more motivated to have us switch to the ad based “free” subscription model? So far we have enough classmates who are willing to chip in to avoid that.
I was only hoping to get them a better value by paying for a few years longer.

Monday, January 22, 2024 at 8:02 PM - Response #3

Scott idea is reasonable. The ad model is only good for trying stuff out. Not great for an actual live site. Guessing it's a minor revenue source.

The cost of storage and data center operation has dropped significantly since CC started - the opposite of inflation. I'd say it's about 1/5 the cost of 10 years ago. Similar to how one can buy a 1 TB SSD for $89 vs $1000 then.

I'm not sure why the time has been shortened. There are business reasons that may apply involving others.

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