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Can Music Be Added to Home Page

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 10/26/10 08:55 PM Views: 1622 Replies: 4
Tuesday, October 26, 2010 at 8:55 PM

Can music be added to the home page? What format? Can it be looped?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010 at 11:25 PM - Response #1

Welcome Johnnybil...

Yes. If you're looking to add commercial music such as the songs from the 1960s (I visited your home page), you'll want to use a service like or which allows you to select specific songs and create a 'player' that will either play all the songs in order automatically or to play them randomly or to not start playing them until your visitor clicks the play button.

Here's a LINK TO MY PLAYER which is in an 'announcement' viewable normally only by registered visitors. I'm only linking to the announcement so you can see it. I set the player up as a 'pop-out' window rather than embedding it on the home page so that it will continue to play as visitors move through the various pages of the website.

Check on the FAQs for more information on music players.

If you have audio content that you've created (not copyrighted material), you can use a nice player that is built into the full Class Creator system. [edited to remove statement that the CC player wasn't available during trial period -- it is.]


[Forgot to respond about looping and types of audio files. Looping is a function of the player - ie or these also allow you to control auto-start, random play etc. These commercial sites have a wide variety of types of players (what they look like) and usually allow you to customize the colors and size of the player.]

I THINK the CC player only works with MP3 files -- but Brad will confirm or correct that. This is the player to use for your school fight song, audio files recorded at your reunion, etc. Things that aren't copyrighted or for which YOU own the copyright.

Edited 10/27/10 12:42 AM
Tuesday, October 26, 2010 at 11:38 PM - Response #2

Well said John. All features are in fact available in trail mode. If you click on your Widgets link you can see the MP3 player that John is talking about.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010 at 12:42 AM - Response #3

I corrected and added to my post above.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010 at 12:59 AM - Response #4

Another option may be found at

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