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raise limit on number of search results?

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 01/13/11 12:45 AM Views: 1547 Replies: 7
Thursday, January 13, 2011 at 12:45 AM

We have a number of classes with more than 750 students. The current limit on search results won't allow me to see, for example, everyone in the class of 1961. Could you either raise that number to 1000? Then for the future could you allow that to be a preference for the site that can be set by the administrator? Thanks for your help on this.

Thursday, January 13, 2011 at 1:32 AM - Response #1

We can probably get away with raising it to 1,000. Some browsers, Internet Explorer in particular, often have a hard time coping with very long pages of text. It can stall out the whole browser. For this reason we put a limit on it and wouldn't want Admins being able to make it higher, as it causes too many problems. I just did a quick test in IE8 though and think 1,000 should be ok. It would be very rare for a class to have over 1,000 Classmates so I think we'll be fine with this.

Thursday, January 13, 2011 at 1:44 AM - Response #2

Thanks - that would help. Incidentally there are schools in Chicago for example, that used to graduate over 1000 kids - my dad went to one in Cicero and I know that at one time there were a few high schools in Chicago that had over 4000 kids, so you could definitely run into a higher number - that's why I choose to use things like Firefox and Macs for most of this work - much fewer problems.

Thursday, January 13, 2011 at 5:43 AM - Response #3

Hi from Kernersville.. A corporate site I host (Wachovia Old Gang) has over 1,000 names, of which 800+ have created profiles.. I'm not aware of the 1,000 maximum you're referring to. Are you saying that currently - of the more than 1,000 names I have -- that the actual # of names displayed is only 1,000? Or asked another way- how does the current maximum impact my site ?

Thanks as always

Thursday, January 13, 2011 at 7:02 AM - Response #4

I didn't know we could search for classmates through the site. I still quite new at this. How do you enable the search? Our class is very small (75). We have found only 10.
Also, am I able to create a crossword puzzle on the site, with ques. and ans. relating to our school? Just a thought -- hope you can help!
Barbara_ecker @

P.S. I sent a note to myself on the site, both with my name and as administrator ( and never got the message. What am I doing wrong?QuestionCrying or Very sad

Thursday, January 13, 2011 at 8:42 AM - Response #5


The SEARCH for classmates is found on the Manage Classmates page. As an admin, you want to manage "Jane Smith"'s profile. Go to Manage Classmates, Enter/Edit Classmates, then in the SEARCH box, you could type "J" and all the classmates with a "J" in their name will show. Type "Ja" and the classmates with "Ja" in their name will appear. Type "Jane" and only those classmates named "Jane" will show up.

You might have been confusing the "Search" in Manage Classmates with a way to FIND MISSING CLASSMATES. This feature of finding those that are lost is not a part of Class Creator.

To see a Crossword Puzzle forum, go to this forum posting:

To answer your e-mail question, I am going to refer you to the FAQs page. See if the e-mail questions #3 and #4 answer your question.

Thursday, January 13, 2011 at 8:47 AM - Response #6


The problem about SEARCH only showing 750 names is for Multiple Graduating Classes only. I noticed your WACHOVIA OLD GANG site is not multi-year, so it doesn't have the problem on the Manage Classmates/Enter Edit Classmates page. The search on that page doesn't have a YEAR drop-down like the page that Joe is talking about.

On your Manage Classmates page (or whatever you have it called), all of the employees will be listed, so no problem there.

Thursday, January 13, 2011 at 11:03 AM - Response #7

Chicago is a good example..we had almost a 1000 kids to a class year. We had 2 semesters of grads..some graduated in Jan..the others in June. In 1967..if I recall right...there were no more Jan. Classes. Everyone graduated in June or Aug. from Summer School.
You Dad probably went to Morton High School...they had an East & a West..I think they still do.
So schools can have almost 1,000 in each graduating class.

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