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Links are still a problem

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 11/27/17 09:33 AM Views: 3790 Replies: 2
Monday, November 27, 2017 at 9:33 AM

Same problem as the one I've referred to before. I clicked on a link in a Notification Email telling me that someone had added -

"New comments after yours".

I click on the 'More' link and it takes me to my own Profile where there is no sign of my original comment or the new ones that are supposed to have been there. So I Log In by going to the Home Page where my Log In details are saved, click on Log In and I'm taken to my Profile again. (I can't Log In from the Log In page that comes up if I click on the Head and Shoulders icon at the top of the page as they appear not to be saved there so I have to enter them again. Still no sign of the comments on my Profile until I scroll a long way down and find them after comments for -
November 24th,
November 14th,
November 11th (in that order)
then the comments I'm referring to, under November 27th.

I still believe this to be confusing as members will expect any 'New Comments' to be the first entry they see,

Monday, November 27, 2017 at 1:58 PM - Response #1

Where is the original comment you posted? In your profile? Someone else's profile?
When I post a comment in someone's profile, I get a "Comment after yours" notify when there's another comment posted under mine. Clicking on the More link asks me to log in (I do not have Keep Me Logged In set) and then takes me to the profile where the comments were posted.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017 at 5:30 AM - Response #2


I posted the original piece as the start of a thread on my Notice Board (What's New?. One other member and I have been adding to the thread and it was his last two comments that the notification was referring to.

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