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New to site with a few suggestions

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 11/29/08 04:02 PM Views: 1312 Replies: 1
Saturday, November 29, 2008 at 4:02 PM

I just started a multi year website because we are a small school district. Is there a way to have more than one reunion planner going at the same time in case like the class of 79 wants a 30 year reunion and the class of 84 wants a 25 year reunion but at different times? Also, what about a faculity tribute page? Maybe some of the teachers would like to post their info.
I used to have a website than done the same as this but I had to do all the updates myself. This is so much easier. Thanks to the creator. Mine didn't have all the picture uploads and other fancy stuff. Just names and email address.

Saturday, November 29, 2008 at 9:03 PM - Response #1

Class Creator was designed to accommodate one class year, and one reunion. People pretty quickly began to ask for multi year sites though, so about 12 weeks ago or so we launched the new multi system. It's great if you're having an all year reunion. But as you've noticed, there is no ability to currently plan more than one reunion at a time. In the first quarter of '09 we will be doing more work on "Reunion Planner II", and at that time, very much like how your Survey Maker works now, you will be able to create and manage multiple reunions within a multi site.

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