Tuesday, April 20, 2010 at 3:41 PM - Response #2
John, As Kyle said, there's now a button on the Manage Classmates page to download the profiles. What worked best for me was to use the CSV format. I only selected the fields I wanted to show on each page. I created a Word document template for the classmate profile page and then set up a mail merge to create each individual page. It worked really well, and saved a ton of time. The only problem is getting the class photo on the page. I had to manually create a field in the table to hold the file name for each picture, then cerate a merge field for that column. You can set up filters to only create pages for classmates who have updated their profile by checking the 'Last Updated' field. I was also able to use this same technique and Microsoft Publisher to make nametags for everyone that includes their high school photo.