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Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 10/10/08 10:36 AM Views: 1516 Replies: 8
Friday, October 10, 2008 at 10:36 AM

Can some one please explain this and the process?

"Activating Pages: To activate or deactivate a page on your site, simply toggle the checkmark next to the page name on or off. Deactivating a page simply removes the link from your site navigation. Your Classmates can still access a deactivated page if you specifically link to it yourself from one of your other pages using the link icon in your editor. In this fashion you can put pages at Level 2, 3, 4, etc. (i.e. not all pages on your site have to be at Level 1 and appear on your site navigation)."


Friday, October 10, 2008 at 11:21 AM - Response #1

Sure. Let's say you want to make a sub page of your site, but you don't want that link to show up on your left hand navigation. Instead, you want to create your own link to the page in the body area of your site somewhere. What you do is this:

1. First go create your custom page.
2. Activate it just momentarily
3. View your page in your browser, and copy the link location from your browser's address bar
4. Now deactivate your page
5. Go into edit mode for the page you want to create your own link from
6. Select the image or the text that you wish to be clickable
7. Click your chain link icon
8. Paste the link that you copied to your clipboard in step 3
9. Save your page

Edited 10/10/08 11:22 AM
Saturday, October 25, 2008 at 9:50 AM - Response #2

I created a "Boro Links" page but I want the links to open a new web page rather than replace the class site page. How do I do that?

Sunday, October 26, 2008 at 5:37 PM - Response #3

You need to have those 3 links open in a new window. Very easy to do. Click on your Source button and you'll actually see the code behind those links. So, let's pretend you're making a link off to You just need to add a target="_blank" to your link code. So in your source view you're going to see this for example:

Click to visit Class Creator

And you need to add the blurb above in there, so the full link will now look like this:

Click to visit Class Creator

That's all there is to it.

Sunday, November 9, 2008 at 3:34 PM - Response #4

I have a few links on my homepage. I like to have them. What I don't like is not being able to choose a color for them. They're always a light blue (then darken with a mouse-over). I'd rather be able to make them RED or another color rather than a pale pastel (like the classmate list is)(or even this page in forum) Smile
I've tried hi-lighting and changing on the editor, but it won't hold the color I've chosen.
Tell me what I'm doing wrong.

Sunday, November 9, 2008 at 3:49 PM - Response #5

For obvious reasons we went with something traditional that would work for all sites. But you can change your link color with a font color tag in the right place. It has to be inside the link tag itself to take effect. Take a look at your home page. I changed your first link to red. Now go into the code and you'll see where I put the font color tag. Try putting it there on your other links yourself -- it works precisely the same way for any links on the page.

Edited 11/09/08 4:32 PM
Tuesday, March 15, 2011 at 1:02 AM - Response #6


I have been trying to do what you have indicated to open a link in a new page on an announcement but can't seem to get it to work. Could you please show me the full text to do this? I have tried this several ways but it doesn't work:" target="_blank"

I have used it with and without quotes, put it in the front and back and still no success.


Edited 03/15/11 1:03 AM
Tuesday, March 15, 2011 at 8:41 AM - Response #7


Supposing you want your "EPHS Alum web site" announcement's link to open up in a new window. Do the following:

Edit the "EPHS Alum web site" announcement
Click inside of the link
Choose the TARGET tab of the dialog box
Choose "New WIndow (_blank)" from drop-down
Click OK to close the dialog

Tuesday, March 15, 2011 at 2:22 PM - Response #8

Thanks, Brad!

I never cease to be amazed at the number of things that this web site can do and how much I don't know Cool

Thank You,

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