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Is User Forum a 2 or 3 Tier System?

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 04/10/10 01:54 AM Views: 1637 Replies: 2
Saturday, April 10, 2010 at 1:54 AM

In doing a search, I seem to be getting conflicting info.

Is the User Forum a 3 Tier System:
I. 'Forum' [ a subject ]
A. 'Topic' [ something to do with that subject ]
1. 'Thread/comment/posting' [ arrived at by clicking "Reply" thereby saying something about the previous 'thread/comment/posting


Is the User Forum a 2 Tier System:
1. 'Forum' [ a subject = Easter ]
A. 'Topic' [ deals with subject = Coloring Eggs ]
B. 'Topic' [ deals with subject = Is Easter Bunny Real? ]

I think I read somewhere that Brad said a 'topic' and a 'thread' were the same thing. {?}

Does hitting "new topic" mean that it involves something under the umbrella of the 'Forum Subject' but is different enuf from the existing line of thought being posted that it is considered "new"?

Perhaps, can it be that the User Forum can be both a 2 & 3 Tier system within the same class's overall User Forum Name? So that some 'forums' will be 2 Tier & some will be 3 Tier?

Any Clarification would be welcome.

What would really help is if any Class has a User Forum that is unprotected so that I could see how other sites are handlig this.

Anyone willing to let me see their User Forum, please?

Appreciate any help here. Thanks, Nancee

Saturday, April 10, 2010 at 2:11 AM - Response #1

From the way you're describing it the User Forums are a 2-tiered system. The User Forums can have many forums though. So what you have is:

1) Forums themselves (with each forum having an overall subject matter).
2) Topics (presumably something pertaining to the forum subject).
3) Responses to Topics. The topic itself and the responses underneath make up the "thread". So yes, a "topic" and a "thread" are one in the same, since the discussion thread happens below the topic all on the same page.

Your job as an Admin is to create interesting Forum subjects (i.e. individual forums themselves). Under these forums your members will post New Topics. And under those topics other members will respond, forming a thread of discussion.

Hope this helps! Smile

Edited 04/10/10 2:16 AM
Wednesday, April 14, 2010 at 6:23 PM - Response #2


In regards to using the Forum, if you check out one of my Forum Topics, you can see what I have posted and how to use it...Feel free to copy it if you think it will make things a bit more clear.


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